Guidance notes

The Kipling Journal has been, and continues to be, the most important single forum for the exchange of ideas between Kipling scholars and enthusiasts around the world. Since its inception in 1927, there have been over 300 quarterly editions.

Because of its great value as a resource, John Morgan of Harrow, assisted by his wife Marian, has undertaken the massive task of creating an Index of the Journal.

The Index has recently been extensively revised and integrated. It enables one to track down articles and contributions on particular subjects or by particular authors, and to follow this up in one of the various libraries which hold sets of the Journal back-numbers. It is available on-line on this site

The on-line Indexes are updated quarterly, to include references to the latest number of each Journal shortly after publication.
Searching the Index on line
The Index is available in two parts, a MAIN sequence of Headings/Titles/Sources etc, and a separate NAME sequence of Authors/Editors/Reviewers etc, which supplements the MAIN index.

The On-line Search version is based on the MAIN Index, and can be searched by Subject, Author, or Number.
We have also made the full MAIN and NAME sequences available on-line for browsing on-line, or downloading as HTML files, for printing or viewing off-line.

The full MAIN Index can also be viewed by NUMBER, providing a list of the contents of the Journal from 1927, in date order.

| Abbreviations | Headings | Notes | Correspondence |
| Anomalies | Users' comments | Cross references | Platform |


  1. Kipling's works are printed in upper case.

    These upper-case titles may be a complete work or a part of a collected work. In the latter case, the 'initial letter title' of the collected work will follow in brackets, thus: MRS BATHURST (T&D) ...

    The key to the bracketed abbreviations is as follows [v=verse]:

    A&R Actions and Reactions
    ATF Abaft the Funnel
    BOW Book of Words
    BRBv Barrack Room Ballads
    D&C Debits and Credits
    DDv Departmental Ditties
    DOC Diversity of Creatures
    DW The Day's Work
    Ev Echoes
    FNv The Five Nations
    FSTS From Sea To Sea
    HOE History of England
    HT Humorous Tales
    JB Jungle Books
    JB1 The Jungle Book. Vol 1
    JB2 The Jungle Book. Vol 2
    JSS Just So Stories
    K Kim
    L&R Limits and Renewals
    L&ST Land and Sea Tales
    LH Life's Handicap
    LOT Letters of Travel
    MI Many Inventions
    POPH Puck of Pook's Hill
    PTFTH Plain Tales From the Hills
    R&F Rewards and Fairies
    S&C Stalky & Co
    SSv The Seven Seas
    ST Soldiers Three
    SW Sea Warfare
    T&D Traffics and Discoveries
    WWW Wee Willie Winkie
    YBv The Years Between

  2. The abbreviations K/ RK/ K's/ RK's are used where space in the printed version was limited and the context self-evident.


  3. To avoid onerous secondary searching, 'Kipling' is not used as a filing word, other than for the following exceptions:

    - Kipling Journal
    - Kipling Society
    - Book titles with Kipling as the initial word
    - Articles where title inversion is not practical

    As far as possible, a specific heading word is followed by the article title, e.g. Bermuda. Kipling and Bermuda. This principle is also applied to entries with general headings, e.g. 'A request from Russia' is listed as 'Russia. State University, Perm, request ...'

    However, the unavoidable extensive listings under 'Kipling' have been split into several sequences by the program, those sequences determined by the punctuation. Thus, in order:

    - Kipling [space] Kipling appendix
    - Kipling ['s] Kipling's Japan
    - Kipling [comma] Kipling, Auden & Co
    - Kipling [colon] Kipling: incidence of a name

  4. No article is used as a filing word even with known work titles.


  5. In the earlier years, editorials were not necessarily written by the Editor, but by other members of the Society, and called Notes, or News and notes. After Number 061 these entries include the name of the contributor with (Notes) added: they are sometimes of a fragmentary nature. 'Kiplingiana' references usually reprint items from other publications, and they, too, may be short comments - but not always so.

  6. The sequential Journal volume numbers (a volume for each year) only began in April 1940, arbitrarily, with 7. In the printed version these are shown, with the 13 earlier years (1927-1939) notated with the roman numerals i - xiii. These volume numbers are omitted in the on-line search version. (See the editorial in Number 223 page 9 for more details under the heading 'Figures that should speak volumes')


  7. Correspondence is coded 'C'/'R'[reply] in the Author field. In the printed version every effort is made to cross-reference letters dealing with the same subject matter with supporting coding. Thus:

    C = Correspondence
    C1 = First independent mention
    C2 = Second independent mention
    C + R = Correspondence with reply
    CR = Correspondence reply

    When space is available, relevant correspondence and/or reply/replies may be indexed on the same line as the main heading of the entry, thus:

    RECANTATION (YBv). Who was 'Lyde' R 102/16 (3 replies).


  8. The symbols -----> and <----- are used for 'See' and 'See Also' references, with directions to other parts of the Index; this convention is also used to avoid repetitive entries within the main text.


  9. There is a degree of inconsistency in the form of Names used in the Journal, especially where titles are involved (i.e. Wavell). Compromises have been made in the interests of simplicity.

    Users' comments

  10. Although much care has been taken with this compilation and with its proof reading, a wholly error-free index is unlikely. Please send any amendments or corrections to me at or to Sharad Keskar at .


  11. The index has been prepared using the Advance Database on an Acorn A7000 computer, with a Canon BJC-4100 color bubble jet printer. There are 4663 Main and 2580 Name entries covering the period from 1927 to 1999. The printed index sits comfortably on a 1.6 Kb RISC disc.

    Our thanks are due to Dr Noel Thompson for creating a Windows version in Microsoft Excel, for porting to the web.

    John Morgan, February 2000