The Absent-minded Beggar
The Advertisement
Akbar's Bridge
Alnaschar and the Oxen
An American
The American Rebellion
Anchor Song
The Anvil
The Appeal
Arithmetic on the Frontier
Army Headquarters
An Astrologer's Song
As the Bell Clinks
At his Execution
Ave Imperatrix
Azrael's Count
"Back to the Army again"
The Ballad of Ahmed Shah
The Ballad of Boh Da Thone
The Ballad of East and West
The Ballad of Fisher's Boarding House
The Ballad of the 'Bolivar'
The Ballad of the Cars
The Ballad of the 'Clampherdown'
The Ballad of the King's Mercy
The Ballad of the King's Jest
The Ballad of Minepit Shaw
A Ballade of Bad Entertainment
A Ballade of Burial
A Ballade of Jakko Hill
"Banquet Night"
The Beginner
The Beginnings
The Bee Boy's Song
The Bees and the Flies
The Bell Buoy
The Bells and Queen Victoria
The Benefactors
The Betrothed
Big Steamers
"Birds of Prey" March
The Birthright
The Blind Bug
Blue Roses
The Bonfires
The Bother
The Braggart
Bridge-Guard in the Karroo
A British-Roman Song
Brookland Road
The Broken Men
"Brown Bess"
Buddha at Kamakura
The Burden
The Burial
By the Hoof of the Wild Goat
Cain and Abel
The Camel's Hump
The Captive
Carmen Circulare
Carmen Simlaense
A Carol
The Centaurs
Certain Maxims of Hafiz
The Changelings
Chapter Headings -
The Junglke Books
A Charm
The Children
The Children's Song
A Child's Garden
Chil's Song
“China-going P & Os?
“The Choice?
“Cholera Camp?
Christmas in India
Cities and Thrones and Powers
"The City of Brass"
The City of Sleep
The Coastwise Lights
A Code of Morals
The Coiner
Cold Iron
The Columns
The Comforters
The Companions
The Consolation of Memory
The Conundrum of the Workshops
A Counting Out Song
The Covenant
The Craftsman
Cuckoo Song
The Curé
Danny Deever
The Dawn Wind
The Dead King
A Death-Bed
The Declaration of London
(from Barrack-Room Ballads)
(The Five Nations)
(The Seven Seas)
(The Years Between)
The Deep Sea Cables
The Derelict
The Destroyers
Dinah in Heaven
Dirge of Dead Sisters
The Disciple
Divided Destinies
Donec gratus eram
The Dutch in the Medway
The Dying Chauffeur
The Dykes
The 'eathen
Eddi's Service
Edgehill Fight
The Egg-shell
England's Answer
The English Flag
The English Way
Epitaphs of the War
Et Dona Ferentes
Evarra and his Gods
The Exiles' Line
The Expert
The Explanation
The Explorer
The Fabulists
The Fall of Jock Gillespie
The Feet of the Young Men
The Female of the Species
The Fifth River
Fifty North and Forty West
The Files
The Finest Story in the World
The First Chantey
The Floods
The Flowers
Follow me 'ome
"For all we have and are"
Ford o' Kabul River
"For the Women"
"For to Admire"
The Four Angels
Four Feet
The Four Points
Frankie's Trade
The French Wars
The Friends
The Galley-Slave
Gallio's Song
The Gift of the Sea
Gipsy Vans
The Gipsy Trail
The Glory of the Garden
General Joubert
General Summary
Gertrude's Prayer
Giffen's Debt
The Glory of the Garden
The Gods of the Copybook Headings
The Grave of the Hundred Head
Greenwich Ladies (Harwich Ladies)
Gunga Din
Half-Ballad(e) of Waterval
Harp Song of the Dane Women
Harwich Ladies (Greenwich Ladies)
Helen all alone
"His Apologies"
The Holy War
The Houses
Hunting Song of the Seeonee Pack
The Hyaenas
Hymn of Breaking Strain
Hymn to Physical Pain
Hymn of the Triumphant Airman
"I am the Most Wise Baviaan..."
"I keep six honest serving men..."
"I've never sailed the Amazon..."
The Idiot Boy
An Imperial Rescript
In Partibus
In the Neolithic Age
In Springtime
The Instructor
The Inventor
The Irish Guards
The Islanders
The Jacket
James I
Jane's Marriage
Jobson's Amen
The Junk and the Dhow
Jubal and Tubal Cain
The Justice's Tale
Kaspar's Song in 'Varda'
The King
The King's Job
The King's Pilgrimage
The King's Task (first version)
The King's Task
King Henry VII and the Shipwrights
The Kingdom
Kitchener's School
The Ladies
The Land
Lady Geraldine's Hardship
The Lament of the Border Cattle Thief
The Landau
The Last Chantey
The Last Department
The Last Lap
The Last Ode
The Last of the Light Brigade
The Last Rhyme of True Thomas
The Last Suttee
"Late Came the God"
"The Law of the Jungle"
The Legends of Evil
A Legend of the Foreign Office
A Legend of Truth
L'Envoi (to
Departmental Ditties
L'Envoi (to
The Story of the Gadsbys
The Lesson
'Less you want your toes trod off
A Levee in the Plains
"Look, you have cast out Love!"
The Liner, she's a lady...
Lord Roberts
The Long Trail
The Lovers' Litany
The love-song of Har-Dyal
The Lowestoft Boat
The Looking Glass
MacDonough's Song
The Man and the Shadow
The Man who could Write
The Mare's Nest
The Married Man
Maxims of Baloo
McAndrew's Hymn
The Mare's Nest
The "Mary Gloster"
Mary's Son
The Masque of Plenty
The Merchantmen
Merrow Down
"The Men that Fought at Minden"
Mine Sweepers
The Moon of Other Days
The Moral
Morning Song in the Jungle
The Mother Lodge
Mother o' Mine
The Mother's Son
Mowgli's Song agains People
Mulholland's Contract
My Boy Jack
My Father's Chair
My Lady's Law
My Lord the Elephant
My New-cut Ashlar
My Rival
Naaman's Song
The Native-Born
Natural Theology
The Necessitarian
A new Auld Lang Syne
The New Knighthood
New Lamps for Old
Norman and Saxon
The North Sea Patrol
La Nuit Blanche
The Nurses
The Nursing Sister
O Baal, Hear Us!
Ode, Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance
The Old Issue
Old Man Kangaroo
The Old Men
Old Mother Laidinwool
An Old Song
The Oldest Song
One Viceroy resigns
The Only Son
The Open Door
"Our Fathers Also"
"Our Fathers of Old"
Our Lady of Rest
Our Lady of the Snows
Outsong in the Jungle
The Overland Mail
The Oxen
Pagett, M.P.
The Palace
Parade Song of the Camp Animals
The Parting of the Columns
The Peace of Dives
The Penalty
Pharaoh and the Sergeant
A Pict Song
A Pilgrim's Way
Pink Dominoes
The Pirates in England
The Plaint of the Junior Civilian
The Playmate
The Plea of the Simla Dancers
Poison of Asps
Poor Honest Men
The Post that Fitted
The Portent
Poseidon's Law
The Power of the Dog
The Prairie
The Prayer of Miriam Cohen
Prelude (to
Departmental Ditties
The Press
The Pro-Consuls
The Prodigal Son
The Progress of the Spark
Prologue to the Master-Cook's Tale
Prophets at Home
Public Waste
Puck's Song
"Pussy can sit by the fire..."
The Puzzler
The Queen's Men
The Question
The Rabbi's Song
The Recall
A Recantation
The Reeds of Runnymede
The Reformers
The Return
The Return of the Children
The Rhyme of the Three Captains
The Rhyme of the Three Sealers
The Riddle
Rikki Tikki Tavi
A Ripple Song
The River's Tale
Road-Song of the
The Roman Centurion's Song
Route Marchin'
The Rowers
The Run of the Downs
The Runes on Weland's Sword
The Runners
The Rupaiyat of Omar Kal’vin
Russia to the Pacifists
The Sack of the Gods
The Sacrifice of Er-Heb
Samuel Pepys
The Sea and the Hills
The Sea-Wife
The Second Voyage
The Secret of the Machines
The Sergeant's Weddin'
"A Servant when he Reigneth"
The Service Man
Sestina of the Tramp-Royal
The Settler
The Scholars
A School Song
Shillin' a Day
Shiv and the Grasshopper
The Shut-eye Sentry
Sir Richard's Song
A Smuggler's Song
Soldier 'an Sailor too
A Song of Bananas
A Song at Cockcrow
The Song of Diego Valdez
A Song in Storm
A Song in the Desert
Song of the Dynamo
A Song of French Roads
A Song of Kabir
The Song of Seven Cities
Song of Seventy Horses
The Song of the Banjo
The Song of the Cities
The Song of the Dead
A Song of the English
Song of the Fifth River
Song of the Galley-slaves
The Song of the Men's Side
Song of the Old Guard
Song of the Red War-Boat
The Song of the Sons
A Song of the White Men
Song of the Wise Children
The Song of the Women
A Song of Travel
A Song to Mithras
The Sons of Martha
The Sons of the Suburbs
South Africa
The Story of Uriah
Study of an Elevation
A St Helena Lullaby
The Storm Cone
The Story of Ung
The stumbling block...
Such as in Ships
The Supplication of the Black Aberdeeen
The Supports
The Survival
A Tale of Two Cities
That Day
"There was never a Queen like Balkis"
Things and the Man
The Three-Decker
A Three-part Song
The Thousandth Man
Thorkild's Song
"Tin Fish"
To a Lady Persuading Her to a Car
To the Companions
To the Unknown Goddess
To Thomas Atkins
The Threshold
To Motorists
The Totem
The Tour
The Trade
A Translation
A Tree Song
The Truce of the Bear
A Truthful Song
The Two Cousins
Two Kopjes
Two Races
The Two-Sided Man
The Undertaker's Horse
The Vampire
The Verdicts
The Veterans
The Vineyard
The Voortrekker
A Voyage
The Wage-slaves
The Way through the Woods
We and They
The Wet Litany
What Happened
What the People Said
When Earth's last Picture is Painted
When the Great Ark...
When the Journey was Intended to the City
'When 'Omer smote 'is Blooming Lyre
White Horses
The White Man's Burden
The Widow at Windsor
The Winners
With Drake in the Tropics
The Young British Soldier
Within the
New Readers' Guide
there is a Verse Index
arranged alphabetically by
, or by
first line
There is a more complete set of texts of the
published verse and prose at this site.