Kipling's Reading and Sources
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[July 4 2008]


Anon. (Ed.) The Golden Reciter Seeley & Co. London 1906
Introduction by Cairns James.
T S Eliot (Ed.) A Choice of Kipling's Verse Faber London 1941
With an introductory essay
Griffith, Ernest and Kilmer, Kenton (Eds.) The Congressional Anthology University Press Washington DC

Poems selected by Senators and Members of the House of Representatives.
Hyne, C.J.Cutcliffe (Ed.) For Britain's Soldiers Methuen London 1900

Johnson, Rob (Ed.) Short Lines St. Martin's Press New York City 1996
'A Collection of Classic American Railway Stories'. Illustrated by Don Hazlitt.
Keating, Peter (Ed.) Working Class Stories of the 1890s Routledge Kegan & Paul London 1971
Stories by Kipling, Gissing, Henry Nevinson, St. John Adcock et al.
Kilmer, Kenton Editor. See Ernest Griffith, The Congressional Anthology.

Knight, Damon (Ed.) One Hundred Years of Science Fiction Pan London 1978
Includes 'With the Night Mail'.
Raine, Craig (Ed.) A Choice of Kipling's Prose Faber & Faber London 1987

Roberts, David (Ed.) Minds at War - The Poetry and Experience of the First World War Saxon Books Burgess Hill 1998
Recommended by Hugh Brogan in the KJ of September 2000 to 'all who want their prejudices confirmed'.
Yamada, S. (Ed.) New Selection from Eminent Writers Kaibunsha Tokyo 1920
Editor was a professor at the Staff College.

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