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[November 25 2003]


Amalric, J.C. (Ed.) Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens (No.33) Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 1991
Devoir et Liberté: The Ship That Found Herself by E Hanquart-Turner.
Amis, Kingsley Rudyard Kipling Thames & Hudson London 1975
A brief illustrated introduction, very well reviewed.
Anon. ABC: Role-playing in Kipling;s Airship Utopia Games Review Magazine Swanage 1990
Article in magazine.
Anon. Giants of Literature - Kipling Sampson Lowe Marsden London 1971

Bauer, Helen Pike Rudyard Kipling - A Study of the Short Fiction Twayne Publishers New York City 1994
A valuable work with useful chronology and bibliography.
Bayley, John The Uses of Division Chatto and Windus London 1976

Bayley, John The Short Story in English Harvester Press Brighton 1988

Bratton, Jacqueline S. Kipling's Magic Art Oxford University Press
Text of Chatterton Lecture at the British Academy, 1978. Pamphlet.
Bodelsen, C.A Aspects of Kipling's Art Manchester Univ. Press
Author was Professor of English Language and Literature at Copenhagen University.
Braybrooke, Patrick Kipling and His Soldiers C.W.Daniel Co. London 1925

Brion, Marcel Rudyard Kipling La Nouvelle Revue Critique Paris 1929

Brion, Marcel Rudyard Kipling

Typescript of English translation of the above.
Brogan, Hugh Kipling After Fifty Years RSA Journal London 1986
Paper given to the Royal Society of Arts on 23 January 1986.
Brogan, Hugh Mowgli's Sons - Kipling and Baden Powell's Scouts Jonathan Cape London 1987

Catagner, Claude (Ed.) Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens (No.50) Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 1999
La Musique Populaire des Iles Britanniques (1835-1915).
Cherry, F.R. The Concept of the Law in Rudyard Kipling's Verse

Typescript of thesis presented at Hull University.
Clark, Charles Gordon Christianity in Kipling's Verse

Article in 'Theology' (January).
Clarke, W.J. See G.F.Monkshood (Nom de plume).

Coates, John The Day's Work: Kipling and the Idea of Sacrifice Fairleigh Dickinson University Pr.

Colley, Terry Rudyard Kipling: Poet of the People

Typescript of study presented for BA degree at Humberside University.
Croft-Cooke, Rupert Rudyard Kipling Home & Van Thal London 1948
A brief (108pp.) account.
Crook, Nora Kipling's Myths of Love and Death Macmillan & Co. London 1989
Author focuses on 'Mrs. Bathurst', 'The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes', Mary Postgate' and 'A Madonna of the Trenches'.
Dillingham, William B Rudyard Kipling, Hell and Heroism Palgrave Macmillan New York 2005

Dobrée, Bonamy Rudyard Kipling Longmans Green London 1951
Pamphlet produced for the British Council & the National Book League.
Dobrée, Bonamy Rudyard Kipling: Realist and Fabulist Oxford University Press London 1967

Dormois, Jean-Pierre (Ed.) Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens (No.48) Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 1998
Economic and Social Issues in Victorian and Edwardian Britain.
Dunman, Jack Rudyard Kipling Re-estimated Marxism Today. Aug 1965
Article in journal. Two copies.
Durand, Ralph A Handbook to the Poetry of Rudyard Kipling Hodder & Stoughton London 1914

Edwardes, Michael Rudyard Kipling and the Imperial Imagination Twentieth Century
Article in journal (June).
Escarpit, Robert Rudyard Kipling: Servitude et Grandeur Imperiale Hachette Paris 1955
French paperback.
Everett, Barbara Why Do We Admire Jane Austin

Article in 'London Review of Books', 8/2/96.
Falls, Cyril Rudyard Kipling: A Critical Study Martin Secker London 1915

Feeley, Margaret Peller The Kim That Nobody Reads Univ.of Wisconsin Whitewater, WI 1981
Article from 'Studies in the Novel', Fall 1981.
Ferguson, J. Delancey The Education of Rudyard Kipling

Article in 'Education' (November) given by author.
Foote, Timothy Fifty Years On, 'O Best Beloved'

Article in 'The Smithsonian', (January). Kipling is making a comeback after fifty years.
Frost, J.R. Kim Notes Coles Publg. Co.Ltd. Toronto 1962
School textbook.
Gauger, Wilheim Wandlungsmotive in Rudyard Kipling's Prosawerk Wilheim Fink Munich 1975
Discussion of the changeling motif.
Green, Roger Lancelyn Kipling and the Children Elek Books London 1965

Green, Roger Lancelyn (Ed.) Kipling, The Critical Heritage Eoutledge and Kegan Paul London 1971

Haefs, Gisbert Kipling Companion Haffmans Verlag Zurich 1987
In German.
Hardacre, K. Rudyard Kipling's Kim James Brodie Ltd. Bath

Notes on chosen school exam text, ca.1930. Paperback.
Harrison, James Rudyard Kipling Twayne Publishers Boston, MA 1982

Hart, Walter Morris Kipling, the Story-Writer University of California Press Berkeley 1918

Havholm, Peter Politics and Awe in Kipling's Fiction Ashgate London 2008

Henn, T.R. Kipling Oliver & Boyd Edinburgh 1967
Pamphlet in 'Writers and Critics' series.
Hopkins, G. & R.Thurston Literary Originals of Sussex Alex J. Philip Gravesend 1936

Hopkins, R.Thurston Rudyard Kipling - A Character Study Simkin Marshall H&K London 1921

Hopkins, R.Thurston Rudyard Kipling - A Literary Appreciation Simkin Marshall H&K London 1916

Hopkins, R.Thurston Rudyard Kipling - The Story of a Genius Cecil Palmer London 1930

Hopkins, R.Thurston Rudyard Kipling - A Survey of His Literary Art Digby Long London 1914

Hopkins, R.Thurston Rudyard Kipling's World Robert Holden & Co. London 1925

Hopkirk, Peter A Quest for Kim John Murray London 1996
A fascinating study. Inscribed to the Kipling Society by the author.
Hopkirk, Peter A Quest for Kim John Murray London 1996
Second copy of the above.
Hughes, Randolph Kipling - Une Appréciation Anglaise Mercure de France
Photocopy, 15pp.
Islam, Shamsul Kipling's Law - A Study of his Philosophy of Life Macmillan & Co. London 1975
Foreword by J.M.S.Tompkins.
Jammiluddin, K. The Tropic Sun - Rudyard Kipling and the Raj Lucknow University
A serious and interesting study. Paperback.
Jensen, Johanis V. Rudyard Kipling V. Pios Boghandel Copenhagen 1912
Paperback in Danish.
Judd, Denis Kipling's Imperialism (Jubilee angst in 1887)

Article in 'History Today' (June).
Karlin, Daniel
Rudyard Kipling, a critical edition of the major works Oxford University Press
Excellent notes
Kavanagh, Julie Books! Books! Books!

Article on resurgence of Kipling as he comes out of copyright from 'Harpers & Queen' (February).
Keating, Peter Kipling the Poet Secker & Warburg London 1994

Kemp, Sandra Kipling's Hidden Narratives Basil Blackwell Oxford 1988

King, Ronald A Theory Regarding 'An Habitation Enforced'.

Documents backing a theory put forward in the Kipling Journal, Dec.1985, p.34.
Krarup,, Soren Det Tavse Flertal Tidehvervs Forlag
Conservative Danish clergyman approving of the ethos of Stalky.
Kurth, Rudiger Rudyard Kipling's Imperial Poetry in Seven Seas
Bonn 1968
Typescript thesis in German. Summary in English.
Lane, John See Richard Le Gallienne, 'Rudyard Kipling - A Criticism' for an early Kipling bibliography, 1881-1899.

Laski, Marganita From Palm to Pine Sidgewick & Jackson London 1987
'Rudyard Kipling - At Home and Abroad'.
Lauterbach, Edward S. Review, Aspects of Kipling's Art, Bodelsen Eng. Lit in Transition Lafayette, IN 1966
Vol. 7, No. 4, p.245
Lauterbach, Edward S. Review, Rudyard Kipling to Rider Haggard (Ed. Cohen) Eng. Lit in Transition Lafayette, IN 1966
Vol. 9, No. 2, p.111
Lazzeri, Giancarlo L'India e L'Impero in Rudyard Kipling University of Florence
Typescript of thesis in Italian.
Le Gallienne, Richard Rudyard Kipling - A Criticism John Lane (Bodley Head) London 1900
Early book on Kipling. Contains substantial bibliographical material prepared by John Lane. Copy of Beerbohm's "notorious improvement" to the frontispiece enclosed. See also (SS36) Anice Page Cooper, Rudyard Kipling.
Lerner, Fred et al Niekas Science Fiction and Fantasy No. 44
Center Harbor, NH 1994
Science fiction journal with a special feature on Kipling.
Lewis, Lisa Kipling and Virginia Woolf

Article in 'English Literature in Transition' Vol.41 No.3. Given by Lisa Lewis.
Lewis, Lisa Some Links Between the Stories in Debits and Credits

Article in 'English Literature in Transition' Vol.25 No.2. Given by Lisa Lewis.
McKay, George Kay Dick's 'They' and Rudyard Kipling's 'They' Foundation London 1993
'Intertextual Politicisation & the Grand End of Narrative'. Article in 'Review of Science Fiction' No.58.
MacMunn, Lt.Gen. Sir George Kipling's Women Sampson Lowe Marston London 1933

MacMunn, Lt.Gen. Sir George Rudyard Kipling, Craftsman Robrt Hale & Co. London 1937

Manley, Seon Rudyard Kipling - Creative Adventurer Vanguard Press New York City 1963

Mason, Philip Kipling - The Glass, the Shadow and the Fire Jonathan Cape London 1975
Having loved Kipling as a child, disliked him as a student, then ignored him for thirty years Mason (ex-ICS) documents his return to him in retirement.
Maurois, André Poets and Prophets Cassell London 1936
(tr. Hamish Miles)
McClure, John A Kipling and Conrad, The Colonial Fiction Harvard University Press

Monkshood, G.F. (W.J.Clarke) Rudyard Kipling - An Attempt at Appreciation Greening & Co. London 1899
Illustrated. First book on Kipling published in England. G.F.Monkshood is the nom de plume of W.J.Clarke.
Monkshood, G.F. (W.J.Clarke) The Less Familiar Kipling and Kiplingiana Jarrold & Sons London 1917
Includes substantial bibliographical information. Illustrated.
Monkshood, G.F. (W.J.Clarke) The Less Familiar Kipling and Kiplingiana Jarrold & Sons London 1936
Revised edition of above.
Montefiore, Janet Rudyard Kipling Northcote London 2007

Moore, Julian Rudyard Kipling's Ode Kipling Society of Australia Melbourne 1999
Critical account of the genesis of the poem Kipling wrote for the Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance in 1934. Four copies.
Moore, Katherine The White Man's Burden Faber & Faber London 1968
One of a 'Study Series' on the teaching of history. Paperback.
Moore-Gilbert, B.J. Kipling and Orientalism Croom Helm London 1986
Given by Lisa Lewis.
Morrell, David M. Kipling's Verses - An Evaluation of the Major Themes
Bloemfontein 1975
Typescript of a thesis.
Moss, Robert F. Rudyard Kipling and the Fiction of Adolescence Macmillan & Co. London 1982

Munro, John Kipling's Kim and Co-existence Eng. Lit in Transition Lafayette, IN 1964
Vol. 7, No. 4, p.222
Nagai, Kaori Empire of Analogies: Kipling, India and Ireland Cork Universoty Press Cork 2006

Nicolis, Nicoletta Rudyard Kipling - L'Esperienza Americana

Thesis presented at University of Verona. Bound typescript.
Orel, Harold Rudyard Kipling and the Establishment Duke University Press Durham, NC 1982
Offprint from 'South Atlantic Quarterly' Vol.81.
Orel, Harold Rudyard Kipling and the Establishment

Brief summary of above article in 'The Wilson Quarterly'.
Ormond, Leonée Macmillan Master Guide to Kim Macmillan & Co. Basingstoke 1988
Paperback 'geared to the requirements of major examination boards'. Paperback, 88pp. Presented by Prof. Ormond.
Paffard, Mark Kipling's Indian Fiction Macmillan & Co. London 1989

Palmer, John Rudyard Kipling Nisbet & Co. London 1915
'Writers of the Day' series.
Parry, Ann The Poetry of Rudyard Kipling Open University Press Buckingham 1992
Parsons, E.M. Notes on Rudyard Kipling's Kim Methuen Paperbacks London 1979
Study notes.
Peterson, William S. The Light That Failed: Kipling's Version of Decadence Eng. Lit in Transition Lafayette, IN 1966
Vol. 9, No. 3, p.153
Pinney, Thomas The Kipling That Nobody Reads Magdalene College Cambridge 1998
Paper on the more esoteric works of Kipling. Pamphlet.
Randall, Don Kipling's Imperial Boy Palgrave Basingstoke 2000
The sub-title is 'Adolescence and Cultural Hybridity'.
Rao, K. Bhaskara Rudyard Kipling's India Univ. of Oklahoma Press
Rao believes Kipling did damage to Anglo-Indian relations.
Rawlinson, David The Tremendous Puzzle: Kipling's Stories La Trobe University
Article (11pp.) in 'Meridian - La Trobe University English Revue' Vol.6 No.2.
Roberton, William The Kipling Guide Book — A Handy Guide to Rudyard Kipling, His Life and Writings with a Bibliography of His Works The Holland Company Birmingham 1899
Norman Kerr of Cartmel was offering a copy in 1992 for £35.00; his catalogue included 'A scarce and very early piece of Kiplingiana; Clarke's (Monkshood's) "Rudyard Kipling — An Attempt at Appreciation" appeared in the same year but the only earlier book that we can trace is Forster's "Notebook of Kipling" also published by the Holland Company in November 1898.' 52pp. Hardback
Robson, W. W. The Jungle Books (Ed.) Oxford University Press Oxford 1987
Introduction to Oxford World Classics Edition of the Juungle Books
Rowse, A.L. Kipling Reassessed Blackwood's Magazine
Review of Angus Wilson's The Strange Ride of Rudyard Kipling. (June issue).
Rutherford, Andrew Some Aspects of Kipling's Verse Oxford University Press
Chatterton Lecture given at the British Association. Pamphlet.
Sarramon, Christian Rudyard Kipling - Pour l'Honneur de l'Empire Animan
Article in French travel magazine.
Shahane, Vasant A. Rudyard Kipling Activist and Artist Southern Illinois UP Carbondale IL 1975
An Indian response to Kipling's writings.
Shanks, Edward Rudyard Kipling Macmillan & Co. London 1940
A Study in Literature and Political Ideas.
Shengold, Leonard Soul Murder Yale University Press New Haven CT 1989
'The Effects of Childhood Abuse and Deprivation' by a New York psychiatrist.
Shepperson, George The World of Rudyard Kipling Oliver and Boyd Edinburgh 1964
Ed. Andrew Rutherford
Suhnel, Rudolf Kontemplation und Aktion Carl Winter Heidelberg 1972
Orient und Oksident im Werk von Rudyard Kipling.
Tompkins, J.M.S. The Art of Rudyard Kipling Methuen London 1959
Major work of criticism.
Tompkins, J.M.S. The Art of Rudyard Kipling Univ. of Nebraska Press Lincoln, NE 1965
Centenary edition with new introduction and textual corrections. Paperback.
Tompkins, J.M.S. Kipling's Later Tales: The Theme of Healing Cambridge Univ. Press
Article in The Modern Language Review (January).
Webb, George Kipling 1865-1936 - The Durability of His Work The Round Table
Offprint of article on the fiftieth anniversary of Kipling's death.
Webb, George Kipling as a Regimental Historian Army & Defence Journal
Vol. 119, No. 1. (January).
Whitehead, John The Barrack Room Ballads Hearthstone Munslow 1997
Introduction and notes
Worster, W. Merlin's Isle - A Study of Rudyard Kipling's England Gyldendal London


Adams, Francis Essays in Modernity John Lane, Bodley Head London 1899
Two short essays, 'Rudyard Kipling's Verse' and 'Anglo-Indian Storyteller'.
Adcock, A. St. John Gods of Modern Grub Street Sampson Low Marston London 1923
One short essay on Rudyard Kipling. Author's inscription.
Brenner, Rica Ten Modern Poets Harcourt Brace & Co. New York City 1930
Critical essays on five American and five British poets.
Chesterton, G.K. Heretics John Lane, Bodley Head London 1928
First published in 1905. The 'Heretics' are the non-Catholic writers of that period.
Chevalley, Abel Le Romain Anglais de Notre Temps NRF Paris 1921
Author was a friend of Rudyard Kipling.
Chevrillon, André Three Studies in English Literature Heinemann London 1923

De Mille, A.B. Literature in the Century Linscott Publishing Co. Toronto 1902
History of 19th. Century literature. Brief mention of Kipling.
Dobrée, Bonamy The Lamp and the Loot Clarendon Press Oxford 1929
Six critical essays including one on Kipling.
Drinkwater, John English Poetry: An Unfinished History Methuen London 1938
Preface by St.John Ervine.
Ervine, St.John See John Drinkwater, English Poetry.

Faber, Richard The Vision and the Need Faber & Faber London 1966
Account of late Victorian Imperialist aims with Kipling as one of the prophets.
Freeling, Nicholas Criminal Convictions Peter Owen London 1994
Critical study of eight authors from Stendal to Simenon. 28pp. on Kipling.
Goonetilleke, D.C.R.A. Developing Countries in British Fiction Macmillan & Co. London 1977
On Kipling, Leonard Woolf, Forster, Orwell & Paul Scott.
Goonetilleke, D.C.R.A Images of the Raj Macmillan & Co. London 1988
Sri Lankan academic on Conrad, Kipling, Forster, D.H.Lawrence & Joyce Cary.
Green, Martin Dreams of Adventure, Deeds of Empire Routledge Kegan & Paul London 1980
An examination of the 'literature of adventure'.
Green, Martin The English Novel in the Twentieth Century Routledge Kegan & Paul London 1984
Kipling & his influence on D.H.Lawrence, Joyce, Waugh, Amis & Lessing.
Green, Roger Lancelyn Tellers of Tales Edmund Ward Leicester 1965
Children's books and their authors from 1800 to 1964.
Green, Roger Lancelyn Tellers of Tales Edmund Ward London 1965
As above.
Greenberger, Alan G. The British Image of India Oxford University Press London 1969
A Study in the Literature of Imperialism'.
Hamilton, Ian Keepers of the Flame Hutchinson London 1992
Literary estates and the rise of literary biography.
Islam, Shamsul Chronicles of the Raj Macmillan & Co. London 1979
Studies of Kipling, Forster, E.J.Thompson, Orwell and John Masters.
Jackson, Holbrook The Eighteen Nineties Jonathan Cape London 1931
Presented by Sir George Engle
Jarrell, Randall Kipling, Auden & Co. Farrer, Strauss & Giroux New York City 1980

Johnson, Lionel Reviews and Critical Papers Elkin Mathews London 1921
Edited with introduction by Robert Shafer.
Keating, Peter The Haunted Study Secker & Warburg London 1989
A social history of the English novel, 1875-1914. Signed by the author.
Lang, Andrew Essays in Little Henry & Co. London 1891
Critical essays including one on Kipling. No.109 of edition of 150 copies. With Lang ALS.
Lang, Andrew Essays in Little Henry & Co. London 1891
Copy of above with portrait of author.
Lascelles, Mary The Story Teller Retrieves the Past Clarendon Press Oxford 1980
Studies in 'historical fiction and fictitious history'. Kipling, Scott, Stevenson et al.
Lyall, Sir Alfred Studies in Literature and History John Murray London 1915
Introduction by John O.Miller.
Mahood, M.M. A Visitation of Kipling's Daemon? Waxmann Münster New York City 1999
Critical discussion of 'Mrs Bathurst' in the journal 'Connotations' (Vol. 9, No. 1).
Manos and Rochelson Transforming Genres: New Approaches to British Fiction in the 1890s St. Martins Press New York City 1994
Twelve essays on the transition from the nineteenth to the twentieth century in fiction.
Marble, Annie Russell The Nobel Prize Winners & Literature B. Appleton & Co. New York City 1925

Maurois, André Magiciens et Logiciens Editions Grasset Paris 1935
Studies of nine writers. Paperback.
Maurois, André Poets and Prophets Cassell & Co. London 1936
English translation of the above.
Meyers, Geoffrey Fiction and the Colonial Experience Boydell Press Ipswich 1972
Discussion of Kipling, Forster, Conrad, Cary & Greene.
Muggeridge, Malcolm Ancient and Modern (Eds. Railing & Bywater) BBC London 1981
Includes lecture on Kipling supposedly given to the Society on 19 December 1965 but not mentioned in Journal.
Murray, David Christie My Contemporaries in Fiction Chatto & Windus London 1897
Essays on various writers.
Murray, Stuart (Ed.) Not on Any Map Univ. of Exeter Press 1997
Essays on Postcoloniality & Cultural Nationalism
Orwell, George Critical Essays Secker & Warburg London 1946

'Papyrus' The Bohemian June to November 1893 1893
Profile of Kipling and also Zangwill, Hall Caine, Barrie, Stevenson & Wendell Holmes.
Parry, Benita Delusions and Discoveries Alan Lane London 1972
Studies on India in the British Imagination 1880-1930.
Pearce, Brian Louis Recessional and Jubilee RSA History Study Group 1997
Response of Kipling and other poets to 'Empire' and 1897 Jubilee. Typescript.
Prickett, Stephen Victorian Fantasy Harvester Press Sussex 1979
A survey concentrating on Lear, Carroll, Kingsley, MacDonald, Kipling and Nesbit.
Pritchett, V.S. The Tale Bearers Chatto & Windus London 1980
Includes review of Angus Wilson's biography.
Rochelson Meri-Jane See Manos & Rochelson, Transforming Genres.

Routh, H.V. English Literature & Ideas in the 20th Century Methuen London 1948
'An Inquiry into Present Difficulties and Future Prospects'.
Rutherford, Andrew The Literature of War Macmillan & Co. London 1978
Treats of Subaltern as Hero (Kipling & the Indian frontier), Intellectual as Hero (T.E.Lawrence), Common Man as Hero (Western Front), Christian as Hero (Waugh's Sword of Honour trilogy) and Spy as Hero (Le Carré)
Saintsbury, George A Last Vintage Methuen & Co. London 1950
Essays and papers.
Salmon, Edward The Literature of the Empire - A Survey Collins London 1924
Volume XI of twelve volumes published for the Empire Exhibition.
Sandison, Alan The Wheel of Empire Macmillan & Co. London 1967
Discusses integrity & self-consciousness. (Haggard, Kipling, Conrad & Buchan)
Scott, Dixon The Bookman (OS) Hodder & Stoughton London 1912
Special Xmas Number with article on Kipling by Scott
Scott, Dixon Men Of Letters (Intro. by Max Beerbohm) Hodder & Stoughton London 1916
Posthumous publication of work of literary journalist killed at Gallipoli. See also (SS36) Anice Page Cooper, The Kipling Index, etc.
Smith, M. van Wyk Drummer Hodge - Poetry of the Boer War Clarendon Press Oxford 1978
Discusses pacificism and imperialism.
Stewart, J.I.M. Eight Modern Writers Clarendon Press Oxford 1963
Thomas Hardy to D.H.Lawrence including 70pp. on Kipling.
Stilz, Gerhard Die Anglo-Indische Short Story Max Niemeyer Verlag Tuvingen 1980
German paperback.
Sullivan, Zohrah T Narratives of Empire: the fictions of Rudyard Kipling Cambridge Univ. Press Cambridge 1993

Sussman, Herbert Victorians and the Machine Harvard Univ. Press Cambridge 1968
The Literary Response to Technology' from Carlyle & Dickens to Kipling & Wells.
Twentiman, George A. An Inroductory History of Eng. Lit. for Schools Vol. III Rivingtons London 1922
'The Victorian Age and the Literature of America'.
Viswanathan, Prof. K. India in English Fiction Andrha Univ. Press Waltair 1971
From Scott to Maugham.
White, J.W.Gleeson ('i') Letters to Eminent Hands Frank Murray Derby 1892
Open letters to twelve contemporary authors. Moray Library (Limited edition).
Williams, Charles Poetry at Present Clarendon Press Oxford 1930
Discussion of sixteen poets from Hardy to Blunden.
Williams, Harold Modern English Writers 1890-1914 Sidgewick& Jackson Ltd. London 1919
A study of imaginative literature, 1890-1914.
Williams, Harold Outlines of Modern Literature 1890-1914 Sidgewick& Jackson Ltd. London 1920
A shorter revised version of the above.
Wilson, Edmund The Kipling That Nobody Read The Atlantic Monthly
Part two of article (March issue).
Wilson, Edmund The Wound and the Bow Houghton Mifflin Cambridge MA 1941
Includes 'The Kipling That Nobody Read'.
Wingfield-Stratford, Esmé The Foundations of British Patriotism The Right Book Club London 1940


Amalric, J.C. (Ed.) Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens (No.18) Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 1983
Une Descente en enfer (Morrowbie Jukes) by Evelyne Hanquart.
Anon. (Ed.) Around the World with Kipling Doubleday Page & Co. New York City 1926
Critical symposium from the Mandalay Edition with a substantial index to that edition of Kipling's works.
Anon. English Literature in Transition

Anon. Europe: Revue Littéraire Mensuelle

French symposium incuding contributions by G.K.Chesterton & Sandra Kemp and Lisa Lewis. (May issue).
Bloom, Harold (Ed. & Intro.) Rudyard Kipling: Modern Critical Views Chelsea House Publishers New York City 1987

Bloom, Harold (Ed. & Intro.) Rudyard Kipling's Kim: Modern Critical Interpretations Chelsea House Publishers New York City 1987

Gilbert, Elliott L. (Ed.) The Good Kipling Manchester Univ. Press

Gilbert, Elliott L. (Ed.) Kipling and the Critics New York Univ. Press New York City 1965
Contains fifteen critical essays by writers from Beerbohm & Wilde to Tompkins & Jarrell.
Green, Roger Lancelyn (Ed.) Kipling; The Critical Heritage Routledge Kegan & Paul London 1971
Anthology of contemporary criticism from Andrew Lang in 1886 to the TLS obituary.
Gross, John (Ed.) Rudyard Kipling - the man, his work and his world Weidenfeld & Nicolson London 1972
Twenty critical essays. Two copies.
Narasimhaiah, C.D. & Srinath, C.N. (Eds.) Kipling's India Dhvanyaloka Mysore 1986
Papers read at a seminar held on fiftieth anniversary of Kipling's death.
Orel.Harold (Ed.) Critical Essays on Rudyard Kipling G.K.Hall & Co. Boston, MA 1989
Collection of 'fifties' critical essays.
Orel.Harold (Ed.) Kipling - Interviews & Recollections Vols. 1 & 2 Macmillan & Co. London 1983
A well-indexed collection of articles culled from a variety of sources including the Kipling Journal.
Ross, Angus (Ed.) Kipling '86: Univ. of Sussex Library Brighton 1987
Papers read at conference May 1986
Rutherford, Andrew (Ed.) Kipling's Mind and Art Oliver & Boyd Edinburgh 1964
Collection of critical essays by Edmund Wilson, Orwell, Trilling and others.
McKay, George Kay Dick's 'They' and Rudyard Kipling's 'They' Foundation London 1993
'Intertextual Politicisation & the Grand End of Narrative'. Article in 'Review of Science Fiction' No.58.

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