C.25. 113 Mahbub Ali's number in the Secret Service. Kim.

Cabot, Sebastian navigator and explorer; has trouble with gun-runners in Sussex. "Hal o' the Draft".

Caesar Maximus is so addressed in "The Winged Hats".

Calhouns Simon Peter, and Hitty ; the latter married to Loring Jerauld. Captains Courageous.

Cairo see "A Return to The East" and "A Serpent of Old Nile".

'Cake, The' the morning newspaper that played an important part in The Village that "Voted the Earth was Flat".

Calcutta see "An Unqualified Pilot", "The City of Dreadful Night", "The Song of the Cities","Tale of Two Cities" and the first article in "From Sea to Sea" in vol. i of the book of the same name.

'Calcutta Telegraph The' the only newspaper Jim Trevor ever read. "An Unqualified Pilot".

Calder relieved McPhee as engineer of the Breslau :'not fit to run a tug down the Solent'. "Bread Upon the Waters".

Calvin,John : (1509-64) churchman. Mentioned in "M'Andrew's Hymn".

Camaralzanan a vessel belonging to the Carthagena Line which took the Breslau in tow when she broke down. "Bread upon the Waters".

Camargue the district of southern France where the story of "The Bull that Thought" is told.

"Camel, The" title of pt. ii of "The New Dispensation" when it was reprinted in The Papyrus in America in November 1910. See also, "How the Camel Got his Hump" ; "Ramasawmy".

Camel Driver, a takes Heldar on his last journey. The Light That Failed.

Camel-Rider, a brings the press slip to the club, with the news of the famine. "William the Conqueror".

Cameron a schoolmaster whose pupils defeat The Guard. "The Army of a Dream".

Campbell a bully, associate of Sefton. Stalky & CO.

Campbell Elsie 'M'Andrew's wife'. "M'Andrew's Hymn".

Canada mentioned in "Letters to the Family" and "Our Lady of the Snows". See also "Penfentenyou".

Canadian Trooper nominally the sergeant of Private Copper's picket. "The Comprehension of Private Copper".

Candide see Pangloss, Dr.

Canniff assists Wade and other railway officials in getting the Constance to Boston. Captains Courageous.

Canteen Sergeant Ortheris steals his dog, disguises it and sells it to Mrs. De Sussa. Another is commemorated in "The Sergeant's Weddin".

Capetown part of the action of "Mrs. Bathurst" and "Judson and the Empire" takes place here. See also "The Song of the Cities".

Captain there are many references; a few appear in or command:
  1. "Dimbula: The Ship that Found Herself".
  2. "The Disturber of Traffic".
  3. "Guadala", who opens fire on Judson.
  4. A lighthouse boat that takes Heldar part of the way on his last trip. The Light That Failed.
  5. "Madura : A Menagerie Aboard".
  6. Mounted Infantry: "The Way That he Took".
  7. "Rathmines" (q.v.).
  8. "Whanghoa": see "Erastasius of the 'Whanghoa'".
  9. Irregular Horse: sends his servant Jenkins for the paper Copper took off the prisoner. "The Comprehension of Private Copper".
  10. Another looks after Khem Singh. "On the City Wall".
  11. The escort of Mrs. Austell. "His Majesty the King".
  12. Mulvaney stops an elopement in "The God from the Machine" where an unnamed captain plays the part of Spread Broom in "Sweethearts".

Captains CourageousA story of the Grand Banks:
"Captains Courageous"an essay in Letters of Traveland not to be confused with the above. Touches on sealpoaching and returns to the Canadian Pacific Railway with some account of 'boom towns' and towns that have died.

Captive, Thethe first story in Traffics and Discoveries. The narrator meets Laughton O. Zigler, an American citizen fighting for the Boers and now a prisoner of war near Capetown. The story of the Zigler gun and its capture by Mankeltow is related, with some sidelights on the war.

"Captive, The" (519)the poet meets a prisoner who does not rail against his captivity.

Carboy Gina Guinea cook. "The Ballad of Fisher's Boarding-House".

Cardiff Mate, a'the mate of a Cardiff collier will cat clinkers to save waste' (McPhee). "Bread Upon the Waters".

Carletona former master at the Coll. "A Little Prep".

CarliniMusical director at the Trefoil when 'Dal Benzaguen sang The Song. "The Village that Voted the Earth was Flat".

"Carmen Circulare" (657)motoring verse after Q.H. Flaccus.

Carnehan, Peachey Taliaferroloafer and gentleman at large. "The Man who would be King".

"Carol, A" (501)a song of the fen-men in Rewards and Fairies.

Carpenternicknamed 'the Walrus'. "His Gift".

CarpentierFrench boxer mentioned in "Bull that Thought".

Carriesee "The Post That Fitted".

Carrie Pitmanone of the craft on the Grand Banks; she dragged her anchor. Captains Courageous.

CarronThe accountant who succeeded Riley. "A Bank Fraud".

CarsonHead of the School in "The Last Term".

Cartera member of the corps. "The Flag of their Country".

Carter, Lieutenanthe goes with the expedition to capture the Gulla Kutta Mullah. With him are Halley and an unnamed major, Mir Khan, Abdullah and Kurruk Shar. "The Lost Legion".

Carter, abeaten by one of the ressaldarmajors for obstructing the way when they go to see their father. KIM.

Carter-Deeceythe Infant says he is overbearing and subject to fever. "A Conference of the Powers".

Carteret-Jonesin command of H.M.S. Gnome. Moorshed borrows his identity for a while. "Their Lawful Occasions."

Cartona sub-prefect who left; Winton was to be appointed in his place. "Regulus".

Caryatidan H.M. ship in "Their Lawful Occasions".

Casalis, Rembrandta rich man - Glucose Utilities - with a scarlet hydroplane that helps to keep Randolph, the boatbuilder, in business. "A Naval Mutiny".

Cases for Hospitalsub-head to chap. 5, Ffrance at War.

Cashellthe uncle is a chemist, the nephew, an early "Wireless" enthusiast.

Cassavettithe dealer in scarabs in "An Error in the Fourth Dimension". Another is a newspaper man in The Light That Failed.

Cassidy, Mrs.wife of the caretaker at the flats. "The Legs of Sister Ursula".

Castellian engineer. "With the Night Mail".

CastlesMaster of the 'Sarah Sands'. "The Burning of the 'Sarah Sands'".

Castorley, Sir Aluredsometime member of the Fictional Supply Syndicate who came into money and blossomed forth as an expert on Chaucer. He is hoaxed by Manallace. "Dayspring Mishandled".

Castrer, Aggie dementioned by the soldier in "The Ladies" as the first from whom he learned about women.

Castries, Miss Virginie Saulezformerly d'Castries. An impossible woman with impossible relations - her father, Honorary Lieutenant Castries, her mother, and others. "Kidnapped".

Castroa Roman Catholic engine-fitter, a member of "The Mother-Lodge".

Catthe Kitchen Cat appears in "Thy Servant a Dog". A dead one plays an important part in "An Unsavoury Interlude". Abanazar is sometimes so addressed. "Slaves of the Lamp". See also "Erastasius of the ` Whanghoa'".

"Cat that Walked by Himself, The"the eleventh of the Just So Stories. Man and Woman have tamed Wild Dog, Wild Horse, and Wild Cow. The Cat is not so easy to catch, but eventually has the right to sit by the fire and drink milk, subject to having things thrown at him by the Man and to be chased up trees by the Dog.

Catch-'em-Alive-O'ssome of the officers of this regiment are present at the dinner in "The Mark of the Beast".

'Cathedral, In the'sub-head to chap. 1, France at War.

Catherine of Castiledesired gold scrollwork on the bows of the Sovereign. "The Wrong Thing".

Catterthunone of the signatories of the Monthly Report of the A.B.C. "With the Night Mail".

CattiwowDan and Una's name for Brabon the Carter. "Simple Simon".

CelesteMadame Binat. The Light That Failed.

Cellieran aeronautical engineer mentioned in "With the Night Mail".

"Cells" (397)a soldier considers the spree that put him in clink.

"Centaurs, The" (732)Chiron in his capacity as a schoolmaster.

Central Anglican Scholastic Agency, theprovided Brownell as a master for the Coll. "The United Idolaters".

Central Middlesex Broncho-Bustersa regiment mentioned in "The Captive".

Centurion of the Thirtieth, A the fifth story in Puck of Pook's Hill. Dan and Una meet Parnesius, a Roman Centurion, and hear of his military activities in Britain.

"Certain Maxims of Hafiz" (60)Aphorisms in verse, purporting to be Eastern, containing good advice on women, love, horses, etc.

Challongthe Kling with Dowse at the Light. "The Disturber of Traffic".

Chamberlain, JosephColonial Secretary at the time of the Boer War; mentioned by Zigler. "The Captive". See also "Things and the Man".

Chambreswhere the story of "The Bull that Thought" is told. (It is actually Salon in the Camargue : Bodelsen, p. 54.)

"Changelings, The" (729)a bank manager and a grocer's clerk consider what they did and saw in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve during the 1914 war.

Channet's Ashwhere Ellen Marsh was found dead. "Fairy-Kist".

"Chant-Pagan" (453)a British soldier, discharged after the Boer War, finds England too small and his duties too trivial. He makes up his mind to return to South Africa and find a 'Dutchman' he fought who would give him a job.

Chaperone, avery indignant with the narrator on account of the misconduct of Jevon. "A Friend's Friend".

ChapinGeorge and Sophie. Principal characters in "An Habitation Enforced".

Chaplainthere are many references; some are given hereunder
  1. In the Matter of a Private. One deals with the Bhils who were concerned with cattle-stealing. "The Tomb of His Ancestors".
  2. The Colonel dines with two of them the night the watches are lost. "Watches of the Night".
  3. One in charge of the Sutlej Valley Mission baptizes "Lispeth" ; his wife brings her up.

Characterssee "The Last of the Stories".

Charan Lahaa subordinate in Trewinnard's department. "A Supplementary Chapter".

Charcoal-Burner, aone adopts "Teem ". Another is mentioned by the Spirit of the Mill. "Below the Mill Dam".

Charing Cross Stationone of the Great Doors where you will find whoever you are waiting for. "The Limitations of Pambe Serang".

Charlemagnea pig raised and cured by Lemming. "In the Interests of the Brethren ".

Charles StewartKing Charles is mentioned by Culpeper. "A Doctor of Medicine".

CharlieSperrit's clerk, probably the father of the idiot boy Jimmy. "My Son's Wife".

"Charm, A" (492)the first poem in Rewards and Fairies.

'Charm at Bisara'(not collected elsewhere) preceding "The Bisara of Pooree".

Charterisengaged to May Olger. "The Story of the Gadsbys".

Chartres, Sir Johndiscusses Conroy's case with Gilbert. "In the Same Boat".

"Chartres Windows" (781)a sonnet on the stained-glass windows of Chartres Cathedral.

Charwoman, alooks after the rooms occupied by Maisie and the Red-Haired Girl. The Light That Failed.

ChaucerCastorley becomes an expert on Chaucer and is hoaxed by Manallace. Dayspring Mishandled. For verse after Chaucer,see "The Justice's Tale", "The Master-Cook", and "The Consolations of Memory".

"Chautauquaed"the eighteenth title in Abaft The Funnel. The Professor takes the narrator to Chautauqua, a large summer school founded by John H. Vincent and Lewis Miller for the instruction of Sunday-school teachers. Postgraduate courses are also available. The establishment consists of many cottages and an Assembly Hall on a lakeside site of some 165 acres. Kipling does not approve of it, but makes quite an amusing story of his visit.

CheapeMiss Fowler's odd-job man; promoted to gardener when the latter joined up in 1914. His daughter Nellie became housemaid and his wife did the cooking. "Mary Postgate".

Chemist, athe narrator of "Their Lawful Occasions" met Pyecroft in a chemist's at Weymouth. See also "Wireless", which takes place in a chemist's shop in an unnamed seaside town, about which there has been some speculation.

Cheyne, Constancewife of Harvey Cheyne senior and mother of Harvey. The father is a millionaire. They had another son, Willie, now dead. Captains Courageous.

Cheyneys, Simon"Simple Simon", who tells Dan and Una about Frankie Drake. His uncle is mentioned, and his notable aunt plays an important part.

Chicagosee "As Easy as A.B.C." and chap. 35, From Sea to Sea, vol. ii.

Chidden, Sub-Lieutenant Eustace Cyrilhis father was a sugar-refiner. "A Sea Dog".

Chief Engineersee "McPhee". Another tells of "The Lang Men o' Larut".

Chief of Central Asia, aappears in "Her Majesty's Servants".

Chief of Warthe Man of Sixty Spears to whom Bisesa is plighted. "The Sacrifice of Er-Heb".

Chief Officer of a cattle-boatmeets the Fleet on the Grand Banks and asks for his bearings. Captains Courageous.

Chief Stoker, aappears in "A Sea Dog".

Chihuna mahout who takes charge of "Moti Guj - Mutineer" in the absence of Deesa, his usual driver. His wife and child also appear.

Chikalthe small leaping rat. "Red Dog".

Chilthe kite in "How Fear Came" and other stories in The Jungle Book. He is sometimes called Rann.

"Chil's song", (518)How his people are fed. Follows "Red Dog".

Child, aalone with a dog in a cottage when the crew of the steam car go in search of water. "Steam Tactics".

"Child's Garden, A" (670)verses after R.L.S.

Childrensome young refugees appear to Frau Ebermann. "Swept and Garnished".

"Children of the Zodiac, The"the final story in Many Inventions. Although the six Children of the Zodiac are gods, they fear the houses to which they belong and descend to earth. Leo and the Girl become lovers, put off their god-head at the sight of human suffering, and find consolation in the gift of laughter. One day the Girl feels the mark of the Crab on her breast; she knows this is death, but tells Leo he must continue singing after she has gone. (See Bodelsen, pp. 41 ff.)

"Children, The" (509)the young people who were killed in the 1914 war. (Kipling lost his only son John in the Irish Guards in 1915.)

"Children's Song, The" (557)the last poem in Puck of Pook's Hill. Is also sung as a hymn.

Chimbo Singhthe Bhumia of Jhaswara ; see no. 12 in Letters of Marque. (From Sea to Sea, Vol. i.)

'Chimney-Sweeps on the High Seas'sub-head to chap. 6, A Fleet in Being.

Chimoa pet spaniel belonging to "His Majesty the King".

ChinaHong-Kong and Canton are described in From Sea to Sea, articles 7 to 10. (From Sea to Sea, vol. i.)

'China-going P. and O.'s'verse over "The Crab that Played with the Sea".

Chinese Sailor, abrings up Erastasius from the stokehold. "Erastasius of the 'Whanghoa'".

ChingangookFoxy is once so addressed. Stalky & CO.

Chinna Devonshire family, several generations of which serve India." The Tomb of his Ancestors".

Chimn-in, Temple ofsee chap. 15, From Sea to Sea. (From Sea to Sea, vol. i.)

Chisane, AliceHannasyde's first love. "On the Strength of a Likeness".

Chistoa matador who had been a herdsman in his time and put up a wonderful show with Apis. "The Bull that Thought".

Chitorthe ruined city described in Letters of Marque, chaps. 10 and 11. (From Sea to Sea, Vol. i.)

Choga Lallone of Tods' friends. "Tods' Amendment".

"Choice, The" (185)verses on the entry of the United States of America into the 1914 war.

"Cholera Camp" (432)the horrors of cholera in India.

Chop Sueywhere Masquerier and his party dined in the Red Amber Room, "The Village that Voted the Earth was Flat".

Chota Lalone of the young KIM's playmates.

Chota SahibLittle Sahib - assistant as opposed to the Chief; Hitchcock is so addressed. "The Bridge-Builders".

Chrisfamiliar name for Tomling. "The Puzzler".

"Christmas in India" (54)the plaintive song of an exile.

ChristopheVoiron's chief herdsman. "The Bull that Thought".

Chuchundrathe musk-rat who gives advice to "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi".

Chuckerbuttya Babu, and member of "The Mother-Lodge".

Chuda rat mentioned in the above.

Chukkia little girl whom Peroo saved from a dog. "The Cow-House Jirga".

Chumaservant to Hummil. "At the End of the Passage".

Chumerone of the soldiers in "What it Comes to". The others are Hookey and Shuckbrugh.

ChunderHurree Chunder Mookerjee, the Babu in KIM. Another appears in "What Happened".

"Church that was at Antioch, The"the fourth story in Limits and Renewals. Valens, a young Roman follower of Mithras, is sent by his widowed mother to Antioch, where his uncle, Lucius Sergius, is Prefect of Police. He meets Paul, Peter and Barnabas and does a good turn to their church. He is later stabbed and dies, asking his uncle to forgive his assailants because they did not know what they were doing. Followed by "The Disciple".

Church Visitor, aa new one calls on Mrs. Ashcroft. "The Wish House".

Churmer, Mrs.a Patient of Badalia Herodsfoot. "The Record of Badalia Herodsfoot".

Churtonan Assistant Commissioner who bought "The Bisara of Pooree".

Cingalese Jewellersold Kotuko's ivory picture. "Quiquern".

Cisco'sthe Dew Drop Dining-rooms, where "The Rhyme of the Three Sealers" is told.

CissiePhiladelphia's nurse. "Marklake Witches".

"Cities and Spaces"in Letters of Travel. A private car on the Canadian Pacific Railway with Canadians returning home and new ones arriving. Further thoughts on the development of the country and a wish to take Members of Parliament round the Empire to learn about it. Wheat and the Great Lakes.

"Cities and Thrones and Powers" (479)title and first line of the Prelude to Puck of Pook's Hill.

'City and Woman, A'sub-head to Chap. 4, France at War.

"City of Brass, The" (312)verse from the Morning Post of 28 June 1909, collected in The Years Between.

City of Dreadful Night, Thethe twenty-fourth title in Life's Handicap, giving a realistic picture of Lahore sweltering in intense heat.

City of Dreadful Night, Theeight articles written for the Pioneer and now collected in vol. ii, From Sea To Sea.

"City of Sleep, The" (592)the poem of "The Brushwood Boy" that Miriam Lacy set to music.

Civil and Military Gazette, thethe newspaper in Lahore to which Kipling was attached on his return to India in 1882 (see Carrington, pp. 45 ff., Cornell, pp. 39 ff.)

Civilian in the Secretariat, ain the club. "Without Benefit of Clergy".

Claims of Art, Thespeech to the Artists' General Benevolent Institution, 1907. A Book of Words.

Clampherdownsee "The Ballad of the "Clampherdown".

Clarea baron who rose against King Henry at the bidding of Robert of Normandy. "Old Men at Pevensey".

Clarendonthe vessel to which the survivors of The Burning of the "Sarah Sands" were transhipped. She had been condemned as a coolie-ship and was therefore considered good enough for our own troops.

Claribel see "Mine Sweepers".

Clarke, NobbyAble Seaman, Leading Hand, and Commander, founder of the Royal Navy and the Mercantile Marine. He had a wife and a son. "The First Sailor".

Classics and the Sciences, Thespeech to University College, Dundee, 1923. A Book of Words.

Clausewitz Karl von (1780-1831), Prussian general and military writer often quoted by Wontner. "The Honours of War".

Clay, Edwardchanged his name to William Parsons. "Back to the Army Again". Another Clay is on the staff of Sir James Hawkins. "William the Conqueror".

Clay MinorBeetle takes his geological hammer. "In Ambush".

"Cleared" (224)ironic verse on the Parnell Commission; a shooting-case in Ireland. (Durand, pp. 67 ff.)

Cleever, Eustacethe 'eminent novelist'. "A Conference of the Powers", "A Deal in Cotton".

ClementSub-Cantor of St. Illod's. "The Eye of Allah".

Clerk of Army Accountsone of the disguises of Hurree Chunder. Kim.

Clerk of Netherfield, thehe had been a monk at Battle Abbey and identifies the old pilgrim who turns out to be King Harold. "The Tree of Justice".

"Clerks and the Bells, The"(778)some of the men who fought in the 1914 war return to study at Oxford in 1920 and are amazed at the change from their life in the trenches.

Cleveland, Stephen Grover(1837-1908), President of the United States of America; mentioned in "The Captive".

Clewera fag bullied by Sefton and Campbell. "The Moral Reformers".

Clicknickname for Vickery. "Mrs. Bathurst".

Cloister and the Hearth, Thea novel by Charles Reade (1814-1884), published in 1861 and read by Nurse Blaber. "In the Same Boat".

Cloketenant of Rocketts, one of the farms of Friars Pardon. His wife and two daughters - one named Mary - also appear. "An Habitation Enforced".

Clouded Tigerthe saddle-tiger of Chinn's grandfather. "The Tomb of his Ancestors".

'Club and Coteries, In'sub-head to chap. 1, A Fleet in Being.

Club Secretarymentioned in "Without Benefit of Clergy".

Coaching"Verses on Games".

Coachmandrives Kimround Lucknow.

'Coal, No. 2 Welsh'sub-head to chap. 6, A Fleet in Being.

Coal-mining in Indiasee "The Giridih Coal-Fields".

'Coaling; A Preparation for War'sub-head to chap. 1,A Fleet in Being.

Coan, Jockone of "The Lang Men o' Larut".

"Coastwise Lights, The", (170)the lighthouses of England.

Cockburncaptain's servant in H.M.S.Archimandrite. "The Bonds of Discipline".

Cockleysmentioned in "The World Without".

Cockranan engineer who telegraphs a flood-warning to Findlayson. "The Bridge- Builders".

"Code of Morals, A" (12)Jones taught his bride to read Morse off the heliograph and particularly warned her against Lieutenant-General Bangs, - 'a most immoral man' - who read the message himself.

Coffee Planter, aMod Guj mutinied on his land.

"Coiner, The" (758)the Master and some of his crew return to England and relate the story of their shipwreck to Shakespeare. See also "Shakespeare" and "The Tempest".

Cokeythe gas-man at the Coll. Stalky & Co.

"Cold Iron" (499)the second poem in Rewards and Fairies.

Cold Ironthe first story in the above. Puck tells Dan and Una of the Boy adopted by Sir Huon and Lady Esclairmonde, and how he was kept from touching Cold Iron for some years until, finding a slave-ring that Thor had made, he accepted his destiny. (Tompkins, pp. 57, 72, etc. ; Bodelsen, pp. 2, 43, 93, 106.)

Cold Lairsthe deserted and ruined city in the jungle used as a headquarters by the Bandar-Log. "Kaa's Hunting". The city obviously owes something to Amber and Chitor.

Collar and Cuffsnickname for an officer in the Tyneside Tail-Twisters. "What it Comes to".

"Collar, Wallah and the Poison-Stick"the third story in vol. 30 of the Sussex Edition (uncollected). The narrator once lived at Simla where monkeys abounded; one wore a collar. The narrator, while travelling in the Hymalias, heard from a farmer how this monkey was the leader of a troop that almost ruined him and had saved the troop from poisoned food. When the narrator returned from his trip he found Collar-Wallah in the drive and told him that he would shoot him if he saw him again. Collar-Wallah must have understood, because he went off and never returned

Collector, ahe promises to attend the opening of the church among the Buria Kol with his wife. "The Judgement of Dungara".

Collen, Mrs.a Commissioner's wife to whom Wee Willie Winkie gave the name of 'Pobs'.

Colley-Haughtons, theSir Henry, his wife and daughters. "Mrs. Hauksbee Sits Out".

Colliery Manager, aAt "Twenty-Two"; his assistant has a small part.

Collins, JohnMaster of Nether Forge ; his brother Tom is Master at Stockens. "Hal o' the Draft".

Collinson, Generala member of the College Board and promoter of the Cadet Corps. "The Flag of their Country".

Colonelthere are many references; some are given hereunder
  1. Furious because Tommy Dodd monopolized the fun in the Kot-Kumharsen district when the tribesmen rose against Grish Chunder De. "The Head of the District".
  2. Mulvaney's Colonel appears in "Black Jack", "The God from the Machine", "The Incarnation of Krishna Mulvaney" and "Private Learoyd's Story".
  3. "Watches of the Night".
  4. of Artillery. "The Courting of Dinah Shadd".
  5. of the Fore and Aft; another commands the Gurkhas. "The Drums of the Fore and Aft".
  6. of the Mavericks, to whom KIM is taken when Father Victor and Bennett catch him.
  7. of the 141st Punjab Cavalry; gives leave to Corbyn and Umr Singh. "A Sahibs' War".
  8. of the Tail-Twisters. "Only a Subaltern".
  9. of the White Hussars. "The Man who Was", "The Rout of the White Hussars".
  10. and his wife ; she refused to give the prizes until Cottar had talked her into a better humour. "The Brushwood Boy".
  11. Sends out the Mounted Infantry when he thinks the Boers are retreating. "The Way that He Took".
  12. One of Tighe's early indiscretions is the Governess to the Colonel's children. "Love-o'- Women".
  13. His daughter is the heroine of "The God from the Machine". Mulvaney prevents her from eloping.
  14. -'s Lady: see "Private Learoyd's Story" and "The Ladies".
  15. -'s Mare: see "The Ballad of East and West". Another Colonel's wife, a scandal-monger, is punished in "Watches of the Night".

Colonial Volunteerssee "The Parting of the Columns".

'Colour fulfils where Music has no power'"Chartres Windows".

Colour-Sergeantof Highlanders; complained that charging is an unfortunate necessity. Another offered his waterbottle to a Highlander who would not drink with him. "The Drums of the Fore and Aft".

"Columns (458)"mobile columns of the Boer War.

Comanchea locomotive in ".007".

Combinationa theatre run by Leopold Vincent. "As Easy as A.B.C".

'Come back to me, Beloved, or I die!'Bisesa's song. "Beyond the Pale".

"Comforters, The" (596)Do not give unsought comfort until you have had trouble yourself.

Commander of H.M.S. Bulleananephew of Admiral Lord Heatleigh who spins the yarn of "A Sea Dog".

Commanding OfficerOld Pummeloe disobeys his orders. "The Daughter of the Regiment".

CommandoJan van Staden arranges an ambush with his commando that is avoided in "The Way that He Took".

Commercial Travellersthey wait at the rest-house at Rhatore for money or orders from the Maharajah of Gokral Seetarun. The Naulahka.

Commissariat Elephantsee "Municipal".

Commissariat SergeantKIM gathers information from him.

Commissioner's Wiremother of Patsie. "His Majesty the King".

'Committee of Ways and Means, The'chap. 5, Something of Myself.

Commodious Coffee-Grinder, Asub-head to chap. 3, A Fleet in Being.

'Common Task, The'chap. 6, France At War.

Complete Stalky & CO. Thesee Appendix 1 for list of contents.

Compound Experimenta locomotive. "•007".

"Comprehension of Private Copper, The"the fifth story in Traffics and Discoveries. Copper is taken by a Boer but turns the tables and takes him prisoner. There is much topical talk; see Bodelsen, pp. 155 ff.

Conant, Sir Walter and Ladytheir property adjoins Friars Pardon; Dora, their daughter, is mentioned. "An Habitation Enforced".

'Concerning brave Captains'"GreatHeart".

Conclusion, Ain Letters of Travel. Strength and beauty of Quebec and Victoria; the 'anti- Empireists' and the quiet, hard-working people who make good emigrants.

"Conference of the Powers, A"the second title in Many Inventions. The narrator is entertaining some Army friends at his chambers in London when Eustace Cleever, author of As it Was in the Beginning, enters: the boys compliment him on it and he questions them on their service in Burma, realizing, as they talk, that his life and outlook is somewhat narrow. They leave the narrator and go to a show, returning later singing a song from The Gondoliers. (See Tompkins, pp. 105, 193; Bodelsen, pp. 40 ff.)

"Confessions" (498)see 'In the daytime . . .' (title of verse over "The Bronckhorst Divorce-Case").

Congleton, Captain"she" throws the name in "his" teeth when they nearly quarrel on "The Hill of Illusion".

Conklin, PrivateDormer takes exception to his remark on the death of Bobby Wick. "Only a Subaltern".

Connie'the speechless solicitor's daughter' in "My Son's Wife".

Conolly captain of a British submarine who waved an open umbrella as an identification signal. "A Sea Dog". Another is a private who helps Mulvaney in "The Taking of Lungtungpen".

Conroythe young man with a nervous complaint. "In The Same Boat".

Conscripthe had his eye on Suzanne, Kami's cook. The Light That Failed.

Consequencesthe thirteenth story in Plain Tales from the Hills. Tarrion, on leave at Simla, calls on Mrs. Hauksbee, to find her studying a bundle of secret papers that has been sent to her by mistake. He sees his opportunity, masters their contents, and calls on the Strongest Man in the Government of India, whom he succeeds in impressing. He gets a good job.

"Consolations of Memory, The" (659)motoring prose 'done out of Boethius by Geoffrey Chaucer'.

Constablenicknamed Old Hat. "Letters on Leave". Another, in plain clothes and with no identity papers - although his aunt at Eastbourne would identify him - takes an important part in "Steam Tactics". Two more try to exact toll from the Lama and KIM on the road to Benares. Others take part in "The Arrest of Lieutenant Golightly". See also Policeman.

Constancethe private railway - car of Harvey Cheyne. Captains Courageous. It is named after his wife.

Conterville "Mary Postgate" gives Miss Fowler a glass at eleven o'clock.

Contractor, agives Mulvaney a job when he retires from the Army. "The Big Drunk Draf".

"Contradictions" (663)motoring verse after Longfellow.

'Contrast in Types, A'sub-head to chap. 4, France At War.

"Conundrum of the Workshops, The" (333)"Is it Art?".

"Conversion of Aurelian McGoggin, The"the fourteenth story in Plain Tales from the Hills. McGoggin is a brilliant but eccentric civilian who bores all the men at the club with his theories. He is suddenly stricken with aphasia; when he recovers he is a changed character.

"Conversion of St. Wilfrid, The"the eighth story in Rewards and Fairies. Dan and Una meet Wilfrid, Saint of Sussex and Archbishop of York, in St. Barnabas' Church. He tells them how he came to convert the men of Sussex and went fishing with Meon, was wrecked and saved; how Meon adhered to the faith of his fathers in the face of great danger but was later converted after he had in some measure converted Wilfrid.

'Convert, The'verse over "Lispeth".

Cook, a Negroin the "We're Here"; calls himself MacDonald and swears in Gaelic. He is a great partisan of young Cheyne and later becomes his servant. Captains Courageous.

Cook, a ship's"Simple Simon" takes over when he goes sick and makes some very bad pudding.

Cookeythe Cook in "Thy Servant a Dog".

Coolieone wins the palanquin the day Mulvaney comes upon Dearsley. "The Incarnation of Krishna Mulvaney". Another is a bricklayer killed in the vineyard of Naboth.

Cooper, PeterAmerican locomotive engineer (1781-1883). "007".

Copleigh, Ediththe younger of two sisters (Maud is the other). "False Dawn".

Copley, Markhe and his wife adopt a crippled child of which they are very fond. "Friendly Brook".

Coppera patient of Gamm. "Marklake Witches".

Copper, Alfredson of a Southdown shepherd and a private soldier in the Boer War. "The Comprehension of Private Copper".

Coppersmithan Indian bird (Xantholaema indica) which makes a noise like a pot being beaten with a hammer. "RikkiTikki-Tavi". (Lockwood Kipling, p. 52.)

CoppyWee Willie Winkie's name for Brandis.

Corbet-Nolana senior subaltern in Mulvaney's regiment. "The Courting of Dinah Shadd".

Corbettone of the editorial staff of the Bloemfontein Banner. "A Burgher of the Free State".

Corbyn, Walter Deciescaptain in the 141st Punjab Cavalry who goes to the Boer War with Umr Singh and is treacherously shot. "A Sahibs' War". His father is also mentioned.

CordeliaJarrott's ship. "Sea Constables".

Corderya coastguard. "Brother SquareToes", "The Parable of Boy Jones".

Corklerneighbour of Smith. "The Smith Administration".

Corkran, Lieutenant-Colonel A. L.the grown-up Stalky. "The Honours of War". He appears in "Slaves of the Lamp", pt. 2, as a Captain, and is a Colonel in "The Honours of War". His activities as a schoolboy are related elsewhere.

Corksa polo pony. "The Maltese Cat".

Corkynickname for Corkran before he became Stalky.

Cormorant, H.M.S.Baxter belonged to this ship. "A Flight of Fact". (The cormorant is a voracious sea-bird, an appropriate name for a ship carrying aircraft.)

Cornelia Agrippinashe was musical and fat, but controlled a husband who controlled a Department. "Army Headquarters".

Cornelius and Piettypical Boer names. "Two Kopjes".

Cornplanteran Indian chief who plays an important part in "Brother Square-Toes".

Corporalone turns Mulvaney loose when "My Lord the Elephant" is on the rampage; another brings Limmason into the Mess with two troopers. "The Man who Was". A third arrests Lieutenant Golightly.

Corpse, thehero of "A Little More Beef"; he told his companions he was a graduate of Corpus Christi.

Correspondentone appears in "The Drums of the Fore and Aft". See also "The Friend".

Cott van Cotthe gentleman who thought. "The Legs of Sister Ursula".

Cottar, George"The Brushwood Boy". His mother and father also appear, together with some of their household.

Coulan, Tima private of the Tyrone. "With the Main Guard".

Coulhan, Dicka battery driver. "The Courting of Dinah Shadd".

Counahan, Nicka friend of Long Jack and one-time skipper of the 'Marilla D. Kuhn'. Captains Courageous.

Countess of Stirlinga ship that was lost in two minutes on the `James and Mary' Sands at Calcutta. "An Unqualified Pilot".

"Counting-Out Song, A" (724)"Eenee, Meenee, Mainee, Mo !".

'Courage and Faith'sub-head to chap. 2, France At War.

Coursingsee "Verses on Games".

Court Scribe, aof the Palace at Rhatore. He prepares orations for the Maharajah and his son the Maharaj Kunwar. The Naulahka.

Courting of Dinah Shadd, Thethe second story in Life's Handicap. Mulvaney explains how he wooed and won his wife. He fell foul of old Mother Shehy, who cursed him and the girl.

Cousina female relation of the Old Lady of Kulu who helps to nurse KIM on his return from the Hills.

Cousins, theKhoda Baksh reports that they are breeding mules for the Government carts. "Dray Wara Yow Dee".

'Cousins, The Two'see "The Two Cousins".

"Covenant, The" (317)thoughts on the beginning of the 1914 war.

Cow, thethe Eldest Magician tells her and the other animals their duties. "The Crab that Played with the Sea". The Wild Cow appears in "The Cat that Walked by Himself". See also "Azrael's Count".

Cow-House Jirga, Thefirst of the sketches of "The Smith Administration", collected in vol. ii of From Sea To Sea.

Cow's Mouth, thesee "Gau-Mukh".

'Coxswains and Galleys'note 2, A Fleet in Being.

Coy, Saman old friend of Long Jack who once got a year's free board on account of his stories. Captains Courageous.

"Crab that Played with the Sea, The"the tenth of the Just So Stories. Pail Amma the Crab will not obey the Son of Adam, and so hides in Pusat Tasek and causes trouble when he floods the beaches and rivers by going out to look for food. The Eldest Magician reduces the Crab to the size we know him, and as the Man suggests that it will be a weary task to paddle the canoe home, the Magician tells the Fisherman of the Moon to pull the sea with his line twice daily for ever, which was the beginning of the tides. There are alternative titles.

"Craftsman, The" (345)an idea of the origins of some of Shakespeare's (q.v.) plays.

Crandallthere were two brothers at the Coll., Major and Minor, the latter being Lieutenant R. Crandall, who recovers the body of Fat-Sow Duncan. "A Little Prep". He was known as `Toffee' Crandall at School.

Crayea house-prefect. Stalky & CO.

Credence Greenscene of "The Puzzler".

Creighton, Colonel Williamof the Ethnological Survey. Kim. There is one mention of his wife.

Crewethe man who found out that Trivey really did hold the elephant by its ears. "A Fallen Idol".

Crichthe large-hearted medical orderly in "Surgical and Medical".

Cricketsee "Verses on Games".

Crier, ahis announcement that there is a log-jam on the river brings Namgay Doola out of his hut. Crimea: see "Winning the Victoria Cross" and "The Man who Was".

'Crippen'Duckett's wardroom steward, late of Bolitho's Travelling Circus and Swings. (The name of a well-known murderer of the early part of the last century.) "A Flight of Fact".

Crisdaughter of Colour-Sergeant Delighan. She and Lew are keeping company. "The Drums of the Fore and Aft".

Crocodilesee "How the Elephant Got his Trunk"; also the name of the troop-ship in "Soldier an' Sailor Too".

Crocus, OldRigdon, one of Boy Niven's party, is so called. "Mrs. Bathurst".

Cronje, Piet ArnoldusBoer general (1836-1911) ; fought in 1880 and frustrated the Jameson Raid in 1895. He fought again in 1899. Mentioned in "The Captive" and "A Burgher of the Free State", as is Louis Botha (1862-1919), CommandantGeneral of the Boer forces, later first Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa.

Crook, OldCaptain O'Neil is so called. "Love-o'-Women", "With the Main Guard", "The Ballad of Boh Da Thone".

Crossleigh, Adaone of Masquerier's actresses ; there is also a Trio of the same name in his organization. "The Village that Voted the Earth was Flat".

Crossley, Mrs.she feels her age in "The Education of Otis Yeere".

Cruikna-Bulleensee "Crook, Old".

'Cruisers' (141)their duties and purpose.

'Cry "Murder!" in the market-place'"Vibart's Moralities", blank verse over "His Wedded Wife".

Cryptican H.M. ship in "Their Lawful Occasions".

"Crystals of Iswara" (524)title of lines over chap. 14, The Naulahka.

Cubbona poor but handsome young Dragoon favoured by Kitty Beighton. "Cupid's Arrows".

"Cuckoo Song" (491)verses based on the legend that the official beginning of summer is when the Old Woman lets the Cuckoo out of her basket at Heathfield Fair.

Culanathe Goneril was so renamed when Jarrott handed her over to the Navy in 1914. "Sea Constables".

Culpeper, Nicholasastrologer and physician (1616-54) ; fought for the Commonwealth in the Civil War. He is the chief character in "A Doctor of Medicine" and is mentioned in "Wireless".

Cultivator, aploughs his fields with the Bull while the Girl entertains his wife. "The Children of the Zodiac". Some also appear in Kim.

Cumberland Sound Whaler, asold Koluko's ivory picture to Hans Obsen. "Quiquern".

Cunegonde, Mllea French refugee in "A Priest in Spite of Himself" is so addressed by Talleyrand. See "Pangloss, Dr."

Cunliffe, Dickthe trooper who rode No. 15, and one of "Her Majesty's Servants".

Cup o' Grapesthe village inn where the body of the unlucky Ellen Marsh was put in a lock-up garage. "Fairy-Kist".

"Cupid's Arrows"the eighth story in Plain Tales from the Hills. Barr-Saggott courts Kitty Beighton, and as she is an expert archer, arranges a tournament with a handsome prize which she is bound to win. She, however, has her eye on Cubbon and does some fancy shooting whereby she manages to lose.

Curator, theshows the Lama round the Museum at Lahore. Kim.

CurbarDistrict Superintendent of Police, seventeen years in a remote district and without any hope of promotion. He takes a strong part after the disastrous appointment of Grish Chunder De. "The Head of the District".

Curdiea good spirit who fights the goblins in the tales believed by Wee Willie Winkie.

"Cure, The" (765)verses before "The Miracle of Saint Jubanus" extolling the virtues of the good old Priest.

Curtisof the Royal Artillery. "The World Without".

Cusack-Bremmil, Timsee "Three and - an Extra".

Cyclopsthe one-eyed Smith at the Forge. "A Centurion of the Thirtieth".

Cyrilsee Chidden.



A Kipling Dictionary

by W. Arthur Young
and John H McGivering