Dabney, Colonel G. M., J.P. an irascible retired officer who does not like boys but who is charmed by Stalky & Co. and permits them to go on his land. "In Ambush".

Daily Express Leggatt told the sentry that the car was the Daily Express delivery wagon. "The Horse Marines".

Dalhousie the hill-station where Strickland took his family. "The Son of his Father".

Dallas, Dr. the medical man at Friars Pardon. "An Habitation Enforced".

Dallington, Manor of de Aquila gave it to Hugh. "Young Men at the Manor". It is mentioned in several of the Puck stories.

Dallaston a character in "His Brother's Keeper".

Dalyngridge, Sir Richard a knight of William the Conqueror's army who meets Dan and Una in "Young Men at the Manor" and succeeding stories. See also "The Tree of Justice".

Dalziell, Colonel 'Old Dhurrah-Bags'. "The Honours of War".

Damper, The Lieutenant Rayne. "A Flight of Fact".

Dan brother of Una, to whom most of the stories in Puck of Pook's Hill and Rewards and Fairies are told. Their parents and household also appear. Another Dan is a red ox in "A Walking Delegate".

Dana Da an extraordinary Indian. "The Sending of Dana Da".

Danby a Quartermaster in H.M.S. Archimandrite. "The Bonds of Discipline".

Dancing-Master, the a character in "A Second-Rate Woman".

Dandie McRimmon's pet dog."Bread upon the Waters". Another is a horse in "Mrs. Hauksbee Sits Out".

Dandy the horse Miriam rides at the end of "The Brushwood Boy".

"Dane-geld" (692) never pay an invader to go away.

"Danny Deever" (390) a soldier is hanged in front of his regiment for shooting a comrade.

Danton, Georges Jacques French politician of the Revolution (1759-94), mentioned in "Brother Square-Toes".

Daoud Shah the villain who intrigued with the Pathan's wife. "Dray Wara Yow Dee".

Daphne one of the women Midmore knew before he was converted to hunting. "My Son's Wife".

D'Arcy a baron who rose at the order of Robert of Normandy. "Old Men at Pevensey".

'Dark children of the mere and marsh' verse over chap. 7, 'Of Buffaloes and Pigs', Beast and Man in India. (It is marked 'Pigs and Buffaloes' in the Collected Verse.)

Darlin' Jane how the Orderly Officer addressed "The Shut-Eye Sentry".

Darzee the tailor-bird who helped "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi".

"Darzee's Chaunt" (650) sung in honour of the above.

Dass see Purun Dass.

Daubeny, Hon. Wilfred a captain on the Staff of the C.-in-C., to whom Vincent and his men are responsible. "A Burgher of the Free State".

"Daughter of the Regiment, The" the twenty-sixth story in Plain Tales from the Hills. Mulvaney explains why Miss Jhansi McKenna, daughter of 'Old Pummeloe' and Colour-Sergeant McKenna, was so called, and how, as a little girl, she helped her mother take water to cholera-stricken soldiers. Mulvaney arranged for her to marry Corporal Slane when he was promoted to Sergeant.

Davids he was confused with Davies in the matter of a ham. "A Flight of Fact".

Davies see above and "The Brushwood Boy", where a subaltern who was a bit of a shirker appears. Another of the same name is the artificer of Judson's ship in "Judson and the Empire", and Davies Tertius was at school with Stalky.

Daw, Harry Halo' the Draft's real name.

Dawkins and Pratt the sailors Chidden laid out in the row over "A Sea Dog".

Dawlishe a Judge who assists in "The Enlightenments of Pagett, M.P".

'Dawn off the Foreland - the young flood making' 'Mine Sweepers'.

"Dawn Wind, The" (697) one of the "Songs from English History".

Dawson at school with Stalky; goes to Mr. King for extra Latin. "A Little Prep". Kite Dawson is the funny man in the party held up by My Lord the Elephant. Another Dawson appears in "Mrs. Bathurst".

Day see Policeman Day.

Day's Work, The see Appendix 1 for list of contents.

"Dayspring Mishandled" the first story in Limits and Renewals. Graydon ran the Fictional Supply Syndicate and employed many young writers, including Manallace, who loved Vidal Benzaguen's mother, and the unpleasant Castorley who proposed to her and was refused. He inherited wealth and gave up 'hack writing' for 'Literature'. Manallace made steady progress while Castorley became a critic and an expert on Chaucer. A fragment of a new 'Canterbury Tale' is found in the U.S.A. which Castorley pronounces to be genuine, although, unknown to him, Manallace has forged it. The former is knighted but dies before the latter has made up his mind to disclose it to him. Lady Castorley obviously has her eye on the doctor, Gleeag. Followed by "Gertrude's Prayer".

De see Grish Chunder De; his brother, Debendra Nath De, was killed by Alla Dad Khan. "The Head of the District".

De Aquila see Aquila, de; "The Tree of Justice".

D'Cruze, Michele the telegraphoperator who seizes "His Chance in Life".

De Forest of the Aerial Board of Control. "As Easy as A.B.C."

De Sussa, Mrs. she bought a dog. "Private Learoyd's Story".

De Thouar once Prime Minister of that unnamed Dominion believed to be Canada. "The Puzzler".

De Vitre leader of the cattle-lifting party in "Stalky". His companions were Parsons, Orrin, and Howlett. Another (of the Poona Irregular Moguls) is mentioned in "Letters on Leave, no. 1".

De Vitre the idle son of an American millionaire. Captains Courageous.

De Wet, Christian Rudolph (1854-1922), Chief Commandant of the Orange Free State Army during the Boer War. He is mentioned in "M.I".

Deacon also called 'The Reverend'. A horse in "A Walking Delegate".

"Dead King, The" (221) : a tribute to King Edward VII.

DeadKings in Letters of Travel tourists and archaeologists in Egypt.

"Deal in Cotton, A" the fifth story in Actions and Reactions. The Infant entertains a house-party which includes Stalky, Strickland, and his son, the latter being home on sick-leave from Africa where he is Assistant Commissioner at Dupe. He is interested in growing cotton, and the account of how he obtained £200 from Ibn Makarrah, a slave-trader, together with the labour that would enable him to begin, is related by "Imam Din".

Dean a gunsmith mentioned in "What Happened".

Deans, Winny one of Masquerier's people. "The Village that Voted the Earth was Flat".

Dearlove and Billings found Strangwick nearly off his head. "A Madonna of the Trenches".

Dearsley one of the Hugh Pilots. "An Unqualified Pilot". Another is the contractor Mulvaney fought for the palanquin. "The Incarnation of Krishna Mulvaney".

Death appears in the story called "On the Gate".

Death in the Camp, A a sketch in Abaft the Funnel. The narrator hears of the death of Strangeways in his own house with his own people about him and compares it with those he knows of in India, where young men die suddenly, alone and with no provision for their families.

"Death-Bed, A" (283) gruesome verse on the various ways men die in war which purports to be an explanation to the Kaiser at the end of the 1914 war.

Debits and Credits see Appendix 1 for list of contents.

Deborah the bee. "The Vortex".

"Debt, The" the eighth story in Limits and Renewals. William, six-year-old son of the doctor of the gaol, is left with his ayah while his parents are out playing tennis, but 132 (a prisoner) and Mahmud Ali the sewing-man are looking after him. It is the time of King George V's illness and 132 tells how the King was inspecting War Cemeteries in France just after the 1914 war in very cold weather and told a general to put on his British Warm; the General said that he owed his life to the King, and 132 maintained that for that reason the King would recover from his illness. Followed by 'Akbar's Bridge'.

Decapod an early automobile. "A Tour of Inspection", "Steam Tactics".

December see "Verses on Games".

Decker, Major a character in "Mrs. Hauksbee Sits Out".

"Declaration of London, The" (304) the Government insisted on a measure being treated as a party matter. It followed the coronation of King Edward VII and Kipling thought it shameful.

"Dedication" from "Barrack-Room Ballads" (83) 'verses in praise of those who' fought and sailed and ruled and loved and made our world'.

"Dedication-To Soldiers Three" (618) four verses likening his work to clay figures and comparing it to rubies and pearls. The poet appreciates that the bazaar will praise, but asks: 'Heart of my heart - have I done well ?'

Deegie, Mrs. an attractive woman 'whose men . . . fell away and got married'. "The World Without".

Deeleys, the host and hostess of He and She in "The Lamentable Comedy of Willow Wood".

Deemes, Mrs. the lady whom Jevon insulted. "A Friend's Friend".

"Deep-Sea Cables, The" (173) communication through the uttermost depths of the sea.

Deercourt, Emma a friend of Minnie Threegan. "The Story of the Gadsbys".

Deesa the mahout of "Moti Guj - Mutineer".

Deever, Colonel John Anthony nearly shot by Simmons "In the Matter of a Private".

Deever, Danny see ' Danny Deever'.

Deighton an officer of the Horse Battery. "Only a Subaltern".

Delane, Sir D. mentioned in "The Education of Otis Yeere".

Delarey the Boer commander mentioned by Zigler. "The Captive".

Delighan a colour-sergeant in the Fore and Fit; father of Cris. "The Drums of the Fore and Aft".

"Delilah" (7) Delilah Aberyswith was married to a member of the Government at Simla; Ulysses Gunn, who wrote for the papers, used his charms to make her obtain an important State secret from a Councillor. (Title and part first line.)

'Dellius, that car which, night and day' 'Carmen Circulare'.

Delville, 'Shady' he and his wife, ' The Dowd', figure in "A Second-Rate Woman".

Demby, Miss 'the Buttonquail'. "William the Conqueror".

Dempsey a policeman friend of the narrator. "Brugglesmith". A Bob-Tailed Dragoon and Mulvaney's rival for the hand of Dinah Shadd. "The Courting of Dinah Shadd".

Dennis a colour-sergeant who lends Mulvaney the cart in "The God from the Machine". A civil officer associated with the Infant and Hicksey in an affair in Burma. "A Conference of the Powers". Dennis O'Hara, who was killed by Rafferty, appears in "The Solid Muldoon"and "Black Jack".

Dennis, Father the popular R.C. Chaplain of the Mavericks, mentioned in several of the Army stories.

Departmental Ditties see Appendix 1 for list of contents.

"Departure, A" (722) verses accompanying "The Parable of Boy Jones".

Deputy Commissioner, a McGoggin's superior. "The Conversion of Aurelian McGoggin". (See also Yardley-Orde ; Without Benefit of Clergy.)

Deputy Inspector General of the Veterinary Service; prescribes for Garm.

Deputy Sahib, a mentioned in "At Howli Thana".

"Derelict, The" (149) a derelict vessel mourns her condition and fate.

Deroulett known as Tommy Dodd. "The Head of the District".

Desert see "The Face of the Desert".

Deserter, a an Indian soldier shot by Ortheris. "On Greenhow Hill".

Dessauer Editor of the Bloemfontein Banner.

'Destroyers At Jutland' chap. 3, Sea Warfare.

"Destroyers, The" powerful verse on small and dangerous craft.

Destructor Miss Fowler has one -an incinerator - in her garden, where Mary Postgate burns Wyndham's toys, etc.

Devadatta King of Benares. "A Deal in Cotton".

Devenish his information, together with that of Wharton, is used to check Mahbub's message sent to Creighton by Kim.

"Devil and the Deep Sea, The" the fifth story in The Days Work. The Haliotis, a pearl-poacher, is shelled by a foreign gunboat and the engine-room wrecked. She is arrested and towed to an out-of-the-way harbour and the crew are sent up-country. Some eight months later they are ordered to be returned, and as it will be two months before they can get a passage, Wardrop suggests they live in their ship. They manage to effect repairs and steam away, scuttling her in the mouth of a harbour, where, it is to be supposed, she will wreck the gunboat on its next call.

Devil-Child Mowgli is so called by Buldeo in the Jungle books.

Devil-in-the-Dusk the Beast (the Wolf) is so called in "Song of the Men's Side", following "The Knife and the Naked Chalk".

Devil of Discontent see "The Last of the Stories".

Devil of Eua mentioned in Kim in connection with the Hill people.

Devils Sir Richard so called the gorillas he fought in "The Knights of the Joyous Venture".

Devine, Major of the hospital train, "The Way that he Took". Another is one of Bayley's officers. "The Army of a Dream".

Devlin a colour-sergeant in the 195th who leads the search for Wee Willie Winkie.

Devolution an H.M. ship in "Their Lawful Occasions".

Dewey, Major commanded the companies whose way was blocked by "My Lord the Elephant".

Dhobi Smith's washerman, who dies in the epidemic started by Ram Buksh. "New Brooms".

Dholes the hunting-dogs of the Deccan that Mowgli fought in "Red Dog".

Dhulip Singh mentioned in "The Mutiny of the Mavericks".

Dhrumshticks (Drumsticks) Mulvaney's nickname for his Colonel. "The Big Drunk Draf".

Diamond Mrs. Strickland's mare that was stolen and carried faggots. "The Son of his Father".

Diamond Harbour forty miles below Calcutta. "An Unqualified Pilot".

'Diana of Ephesus' verse over "Venus Annodomini".

Diana of Tara-Devi the name given to Kitty Beighton by the men of Simla. "Cupid's Arrows".

Dick Mary Postgate's cousin.

Dick Four at the U.S.C. "The United Idolaters",etc.

Dickson Quartus Dick Four.

Dickson Tertius brother of the above.

Diego Valdez Lord High Admiral of Spain. "The Song of Diego Valdez".

Digby the child the dogs call Smallest. "The Great Play Hunt", "Thy Servant a Dog" and "Toby Dog".

'Dim dawn behind the tamarisks - the sky is saffron-yellow -' "Christmas in India".

Dimbula "The Ship that Found Herself".

Di'monds-an'-Pearls Mulvaney's name for the lady in "Love-o'-Women".

Din Mahommed the groom dismissed by Colonel Williams who advises the tribesmen not to harm Wee Willie Winkie. Another is in the Survey Department. "The Mother-Lodge".

Dina Nath one of Orde's visitors. "The Enlightenments of Pagett, M.P."

Dinah a jet-black Aberdeen of the dwarf type, Marden's pet in "The Woman in his Life". See also Shadd: a Dandy Dinmont belonging to Jerry Martlett. "A Flight of Fact".

"Dinah in Heaven" the little bitch who waited in Heaven until her owner arrived; St. Peter passed them both in.

Dingo Yellow-Dog Dingo chased Boomer until his hind legs grew. "The Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo".

'Dinner in a Gun-Room' sub-head to chap. 6, A Fleet In Being.

Dinniss the Sergeant-Major with twenty six years' service. "Surgical and Medical".

Diplomat, an aged bargains with young Chinn before being vaccinated. "The Tomb of his Ancestors".

D.I.R. the railway that employed "The Bold 'Prentice".

Director-General of Public Education he assists the Prime Minister to bring a sheep to the camp of the narrator. "Namgay Doola".

Directum a horse mentioned in "A Walking Delegate".

"Dirge of Dead Sisters" in praise of the nurses who died in the Boer War. See also "Mary Kingsley".

Dirk an H.M. ship in "Their Lawful Occasions".

Dirkovitch the Cossack present at the return of Limmason. "The Man who Was".

Dirty Man the owner of "Toby Dog".

"Disciple, The" who will read a Gospel many ways, alter many things, and wound his Master worst of all.

'Discontented and Impenitent Thieves' sub-head to chap. 3, A FleetIn Being.

Displaie of New Heraldrie, A the eighteenth 'uncollected' story in vol. xxx of the Sussex Edition, being an article in the Spectator suggesting coats-of-arms for the countries of the Empire to commemorate their activities in the 1914 war.

"District at Play, A" an account of an annual holiday or `Sports Day' in a centre in India where the natives are engaged in woollen manufacture. Collected in vol. ii Of From Sea To Sea.

"Disturber of Traffic, The" The first story in Many Inventions. The narrator spends a night at a South Coast lighthouse where Fenwick, the keeper, tells him of Dowse, who kept a lighthouse at the end of the Flores Straits. The currents run so swiftly that the water looks `streaky' and Dowse gets the impression that the ships that use the Straits are the cause of it. He accordingly arranges light-buoys and so forth to give the appearance of wrecks in the channel, aided by Challong, the Orang-Laut. He is eventually taken off the station, naked and mad, but recovers and becomes a wherry-man at Portsmouth, where the tides run crossways.

Ditta Mull a friend of Tods. "Tods' Amendment". Another appears in "To be Filed for Reference".

Dives see "The Peace of Dives".

"Divided Destinies" the poet wishes he were an artless 'Bandar' without possessions and without a care in the world.

Djinn an H.M. Ship in "Their Lawful Occasions".

Djinn of All the Deserts he makes a magic in "How the Camel got his Hump". Others appear in "The Butterfly that Stamped".

Dockett farmed Pound's Farm; Jesse worked for him. "Friendly Brook".

  1. Hennis. "Mary Postgate".
  2. attends Mrs. Ashcroft and compliments her on her fine leg. "The Wish House".
  3. his real interests were renal calculi, but he does prescribe for Marden. "The Woman in his Life".
  4. father of William. "The Debt".see "Winning the Victoria Cross".
"Doctor of Medicine, A"the ninth story in Rewards and Fairies. Puck permits Dan and Una to meet Nicholas Culpeper, who tells them how he stayed the plague in their own village at the time of the English Civil War in the mid-seventeeth century.

Doctor's Work, Aspeech at the Middlesex Hospital in 1908. A Book of Words.

Dog-boyin charge of Vixen and Garm.

"Dog Hervey, The"in A Diversity of Creatures. A strange story about a squinting dog and a girl whose father used to 'patch up' drunken young men; how the dog appeared to one of them long after he had left the place, and how he met Moira Sichliffe again. Followed by "The Comforters".

Dog, theappears in "How the Camel got his Hump" and "The Cat that Walked by Himself".

Dog-without-a-Masterthe wolf is so called in "The Knife and the Naked Chalk".

Dogra Soldiertravels with the Lama and KIM in the train from Lahore.

Dogsother stories and verses about dogs include : "Garm - a Hostage", "The Great Play-Hunt", "Teem ", "Thy Servant a Dog", "The Woman in His Life", " Dinah in Heaven", "Four-Feet", "Supplication of the Black Aberdeen", and "The Power of the Dog". (Carrington, p. 476.)

Dolabellathe Grotkau. "Bread upon the Waters".

Dolbie, RhodaMidmore's housekeeper and mother of Jimmy. "My Son's Wife ".

Dollinsguests of Deeleys. "The Lamentable Comedy of Willow Wood".

Dolly BobsKipling's pony Dorothea Darbishoff, so called because she came from Russia. Something of Myself.

Domesday Bookthere are many references in "Below the Mill Dam".

Doncastermentioned in "The Prophet and the Country".

Donkin of the jaila member of "The Mother-Lodge"; another is an old friend recalled by Dravot. "The Man who Would be King".

Doolan, Timsee "Thimla Dhula".

Doolie-bearersmentioned in "My Own True Ghost-Story", and many of the Indian tales. A doolie is a simple form of litter, also used as an ambulance. (Hindi doli.)

Doonementioned in the club scene. "The World Without".

Doristhe girl Phil arranged to meet in Cadogan Gardens. "Aunt Ellen".

Dormerthe ne'er-do-well of Wick's company, also known as the Looney Fishmonger. "Only a Subaltern".

Dormil, Miss and Mrs.appear in "For One Night Only".

Dormousenickname for Dumoise. "The Mark of the Beast", "By Word of Mouth".

Dorotheasee Dolly Bobs.

Dorothy and Margaretnursing sisters in "The Way that he Took".

Dorset Regimentsee "The Burning of the 'Sarah Sands'".

Double EndsGrambags, Mulvaney's names for "My Lord the Elephant".

Doughertyfather-in-law of Lot Vermilyea. "The Shadow of His Hand".

DoughtyDoctor in the Mavericks. He certified Father Victor medically unfit to go to the front. Kim.

"Dove of Dacca, The" a Rajah takes a dove to war, to be released if he is defeated, so that his servants can burn his palace to save it being sacked. He is successful, but the bird escapes and he returns to find his palace a waste.

Dove, theone of Colonel Bayley's officers. "The Army of a Dream".

Dowb'The first of all his race'.`A General Summary'.

Dowd, theMrs. `Shady' Delville. A Second-Rate Woman.

Downs, Sussexcelebrated in "The Run of the Downs" and often mentioned in the 'Puck' stories.

Dowsethe inappropriately named keeper of the Wurlee Light. "The Disturber of Traffic".

Doyle, Paddymentioned in the Refrain to "The Merchantmen" (from an old chantey).

Dragomiroffthe Russian member of the A.B.C. "As Easy as A.B.C".

Drake, Sir Franciscircumnavigator and Admiral (1540?-1596) ; appears in "Simple Simon". His father, Parson Drake, is mentioned. See also "The Song of the Dead" and "With Drake in the Tropics".

Dravot, Daniel"The Man who would be King".

"Dray Warn Yow Dee"the first story in the series In Black and White, collected in Soldiers Three. A Pathan accosts the narrator with a request that he buy almonds and raisins; the Sahib is an old acquaintance, so he explains that his wife has intrigued with one Daoud Shah, whom he intends to kill, as he has killed the woman. The story recounts his wanderings and the `eternal triangle' from an Eastern viewpoint.

'Dread Mother of Forgetfulness'"Hymn to Physical Pain".

Dream of Duncan Parrenness, Thethe twenty-seventh story in Life's Handicap. Parrenness, a dissolute young writer in the service of the East India Company at Calcutta, dreams that he meets his older self, who bargains with him, taking away his trust in man and his faith in women. Before he leaves, his older self places something in his hand. It is a piece of dry bread.

Dreddthe dealer in books who bought the Bible into the binding of which Manallace had hidden the 'Chaucer' forgery. "Dayspring Mishandled".

Drum-Horsea piebald Waler whose apparent reappearance after death caused "The Rout of the White Hussars". The picture of another gives a clue to "The Man who Was".

Drummer-Boyone is detailed to look after Kim.

"Drums of the Fore and Aft, The"the last story in Wee Willie Winkie. Jakin and Lew, drummer-boys, accompany the regiment to a frontier war; the lack of seasoned soldiers brings about a shameful withdrawal in the face of the enemy. The boys strike up 'The British Grenadiers' on a drum and fife; this, together with the remarks of their officers, brings the regiment to attack with success. The boys are killed.

Dry-Cow Fishing, Onsee "On Dry-Cow Fishing as a Fine Art".

Duboisone of the inventors of 'Cloudbreakers'. "With the Night Mail".

Ducane, Sub-Lieutenantof H.M.S. Archimandrite. "The Bonds of Discipline".

Duchyone of the locomotives in "-007".

Duckone appears, laughing, in "The Brushwood Boy".

Duckett, Lieutenant-Commander H.R. ('Horse')captain of H.M.S. Gardenia. "A Flight of Fact".

Ducos, Rogerthe French Consul. "A Priest in Spite of Himself".

Duddella Quaker from Ipswich. "The Army of a Dream".

Dudeney, Arthur Captain of the Esther Grant. "A Tour of Inspection".

Dudeney, Mr An old shepherd, friend of Dan and Una. "The Knife and the Naked Chalk".

DufferinFrederick Temple Hamilton Temple, First Marquess of Dufferin and Ava (1826-1902), succeeded Lord Ripon as Governor-General of India in 1884. (See 'One Viceroy Resigns', "The Song of the Women" and Cornell, pp. 60, 126.)

Dugardan injured husband who shot his wife's lover. "Love-o'-Women".

Duggan Sahibpossessed a mota-kahar in which he nearly knocked down the Regimental Chaplain. "In the Presence".

Duggarda murderer mentioned by Gunner Barnabas. "The Likes o' Us".

Duggyan A.D.C. at the ball when "Mrs. Hauksbee Sits Out".

Dullooname assumed by Strickland as "Miss Youghal's Sais".

'Duly with knees that feign to quake-' "Rimmon".

Dumoisea civil surgeon in "By Word of Mouth", mentioned in "The Mark of the Beast". His wife was a daughter of 'Squash' Hillardyce.

  1. foreman of the cement-works. "A Tour of Inspection".
  2. 'Fat-Sow' Duncan was the ninth Old Boy from the Coll. to fall in action. "A Little Prep".
Dunch, Toma drunken fellow who leads some of the men of Marklake to attack Laennec and Gamm. "Marklake Witches".

Dungara'the God of things as they are'. "The Judgment of Dungara".

Dunmayaa Hill-woman who marries Phil Garron and makes a man of him. "Yoked with an Unbeliever".

DunneeKipling's groom. Something of Myself.

Dunnoothe dog-boy who rescues Jukes from the Village of the Dead. "The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes". Another appears in Kim.

Dupeyoung Strickland's headquarters. "A Deal in Cotton".

Durgaotherwise Kali, or Sitala, to whom shrines are built against smallpox. "The Miracle of Purun Bhagat".

Durga Charanuncle of the unfortunate Bisesa ; she was living in his house when Trejago met her. "Beyond the Pale".

Durga Charan Lahaa native of Calcutta; Shafiz Ullah meets his son in London. "One View of the Question".

Durga Dass
  1. brother of Ram Dass and victim of his deceptions. "Gemini"
  2. Holden's landlord who decides to pull the house down and sell the land to the municipality. "Without Benefit of Clergy".
Durgan, Ladywidow of Sir John; she is adored by the White Hussars but marries a little man in a rifle regiment. "The Man who Was".

Durro Mutsthe 'no-fears', the Ustrelyahs (Australians). "A Sahibs' War".

Dutch Captainreports the odd activities of Dowse at the Wurlee Light. "The Disturber of Traffic".

'Dutch in the Medway, The' the poor state of the Fleet in the Dutch war of 1664-72.

"Dying Chauffeur, The" motoring verse after A. L. Gordon.

"Dykes, The" a song of seadefences in the nature of a parable drawing attention to the dangers that follow a sense of security and the awakening national feeling of other countries.

"Dymchurch Flit"the ninth story in Puck of Pook's Hill. Dan and Una are in an oast-house with Hobden when an old friend of the latter, Tom Shoesmith, comes in. The two talk, and the children hear how the blind and deaf sons of a widow help the Pharisees escape from England.

'Dynamo, Song of the'see "Song of the Dynamo, The". Another is installed in the mill. "Below the Mill Dam".



A Kipling Dictionary

by W. Arthur Young
and John H McGivering