all his fears about The Boy, and awful stories of suicide or nearly-carried-out suicide - tales that made ones hair crisp. He said that he himself had once gone into the same Valley of the Shadow as The Boy, when he was young and new to the country.Even Mowgli, in The Spring Running (1895), was depressed. That was why he went on a long night run and he thought he had left his unhappiness behind in his own Jungle when it came back - ten times worse than before. While living in the darkness of Villiers StreetKipling himself became depressed after being ill with influenza. The advised treatment was a sea voyage, so he went to Italy, where he was the invited guest of Lord Dufferin at Sorrento. [Information from Something of Myself, p.94, and Harold Orel, A Kipling ChronologyMacmillan, 1990, p.27.]
There is a certain darkness into which the soul of the young man sometimes descends - a horror of desolation, abandonment, and realised worthlessness, which is one of the most real hells in which we are compelled to walk. I know of what I speak. This is due to a variety of causes, the chief of which is the egotism of the human animal itself. But I can tell you for your comfort that the best cure for it is to interest yourself, to lose yourself, in some issue not personal to yourself - in another mans trouble, or, preferably, another mans joy.In "The Tree Of Justice" (1910), Rahere, the Kings Jester, recognises that Hugh is depressed, but there are hints that Rahere is also depressed: he has a sad priests faceand his eyes are hollow-set. There is a stricken sadness of his face when he was not twisting it about. This is confirmed in the poem "Rahere"(1926), where a Horror of Great Darkness sunk his spirit, and Gilbert the Physician told him it would pass but return again.
But if the dark hour does not vanish, as sometimes it doesnt; if the black cloud will not lift, as sometimes it will not - let me tell you again for your comfort that there are many liars in the world, but there are no liars like our own sensations. The despair and horror mean nothing, because there is nothing irremediable, nothing ineffaceable, nothing irrevocable in anything you may have said or done. If, for any reason, you cannot believe or have not been taught to believe in the infinite mercy of Heaven which has made us all, and will take care we do not go far astray, at least believe that you are not yet sufficiently important to be taken too seriously by the Powers above us or beneath us. In other words, take anything and everything seriously except yourselves.
What with noise, and fear of death,Nobody knew how shell shock cases should be treated. Initially, when it was thought to be due to physical damage to nerves, massage, rest, special diets and electric shock treatment were used. When it was viewed as psychological trauma, hypnosis and rest were thought to speed recovery. But sympathy was rarely given to the unfortunate sufferers; their stamina as soldiers and men had been found lacking; some were regarded as cowards. To add to the burden of shell shock, they felt guilty and ashamed.
Waking, and wounds and cold,
They filled the cup for My Mothers Son
Fuller than it could hold.
His mind give out from that on. He mistrusted somethin hed happened up to Johnstown, but for the poor life of him he couldnt remember what, an he jest drifted araound smilin an wonderin. He didnt know what he was nor yet what he had bin.Uncle Salters had taken care of him since then. Penn said Salters had advised him to go to sea because of his nervous dyspepsia. Disko Troop thought that one day Penn would remember what had happened his family, and the realisation would kill him.
burst into a roar of laughter - laughter he could not check - nasty, jangling merriment that seemed as if it would go on forever. When he had recovered himself he said, quite seriously, Im tired of work. Im an old man now. Its about time I retired. And I will.He is only twenty three. The head of his establishment thinks he is mad. So does the Narrator. He was exhausted from overwork and very depressed. But they didnt do anything about it. He disappears.
Stress due to overwork| Other mental illnesses
[May 13 2004] |