Cattiwow came down the steep lane with his five-horse timber-tug. Cattiwow never let them ride the big beam that makes the body of the timber-tug, but they hung on behind.[Page 258, line 7] Sayeone of Cromwell's generals.
Is it really seven yearsMelilot (spelt 'mellilot' by Culpeper) 'Sweet clover' (Fabaceae). 'Mellilot, boiled in wine and applied, mollifieth [softens] all hard tumours.'
Since we made cowslip wine?
And the flowers bloomed on Rushall Down
As they had through measured time.
We could not fill a teacup now
With the little yellow bloom
For the fields are dressed with the chemist's best
Which sealed the cowslip's doom.
'But it has not been all disaster. Some years later, our son, Tim, planted a vineyard where a few cowslips were growing. Because he knew my verse, he transplanted them into a corner of our garden. Since then they have migrated round the garden and, secure in their 'protected' status, have indiscriminately colonised lawns, flower beds and rockeries to our great joy every spring.' [R.C.A.]
[December 8th 2011] [Page 253, line 3] hellebore the old name of a plant believed to cure madness and depression. [Page 253, line 14] Guy Fawkes one of the leaders in the 1605 Gunpowder Plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament. [Page 253, line 18] rooms i.e. rheums (colds in the head). [Page 254, line 6] Nick Nicholas Culpeper |